Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week ending 5/3/2013 - Comission and Personal update

Well, I picked up the following comissions that I will hopefully put a dent in this week. All of these have compelx blending and painting requirments. They are all wanting GW book style crispness, which I can do but it takes a little longer than my "drity south" style of dark and weathered painting. In order -

1) a Shadowseer with the checked mardis gras style painting
2) a Dark Eldar baron on a skateboard
---Line Hillighting and OSL (going to do this one in NMM (non-metal metallics)
3) Eldrad
---Custom Staff and OSL

I will post up the final pictures, this weekend, as of this evening i will be digging in. And dont forget me, i put these together last night and will be going up on the paint bench next week along with the next 20 damonettes needing love and finishing up the 3 seeker chariots. I was also surprised by the mail man as he delivered what mught be my last bits purchase from spikey bits, 2 sets of hive tyrant wings..

FW Thirster

FW Mamon, or Nurgle Prince

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Week2 mission (Ryan and I's first game of this season)

First off, my hat if off to Ryan for another fantastic Nail bitter of a game!!!! It seemed from any player turn it was up in the air! as always Ryan is a great sportsman in gaming. we even found each other helping the other with "Hey if you do this you have a chance to kill more, or you can glance my vehicles if you swap the movement of your units" type of gaming! It was funny at times as it seems once again the Screamers were the MVP of the game for myself, and I would almost place the MVP on Ryan's HQ reclusiarch and his Corbulo side kick as his MVP who tied the 2+ (most turns) invul with re-rollable ones Screamer unit up for 3 full turns of combat!!! him sacrificing his Warlord that way saved his backfield from being slaughtered by the screamers.

Around the NEO Gaming League Last Night

Last night seen quite a few league games played at Ctrl-Alt-Elite. We had the Tau vs. Marines, Had CSM vs Space wolves, had Daemons vs CSM, and Daemons vs Blood angels with Wolf Ally's (seperate post). Here are some shots of the other league games that I was not part of.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

The "Special Glow"

Work is being done on Lighting LED effects. We are working hard to set an unprecidented Benchmark in 25mm Lighting. This is an example of WIP for a terminator model to have the power glow effect done.
The model now sits on a custom "Clear" base to allow the glow to reflect with actual lighting efftects (not painted on ones)

Yes even the skulls eyes are being drilled to allow the light to shine through. The base is not attached here but will be in further updates.

Enjoy and hope to have further updates (this competes with my hell drake right now for work time)

The Hell Chicken Update!!!

Ok all... I know this has been long awaited project for my own army (Tzeentch Chaos Marines) but finnally got some time to work on this again. As you can (barely see due to lighting) the engine lights are on and I could only catch the Red one flashing. (Engine has red and orange flashing LED's) The wires and switches can be seen running down the flight base.(This was my frist ever wiring attempt and I have now learned how to run all the wires in a much neater fashion). That will be another update though. As you can see in the "read more" section I have a ton of WIP pic's on the painting of the colours for my Tzeentch "HELL CHICKEN" as we deem them in our league play. The colour painting scheme is Jacky's that is used on his for his nurgle theme Marines. This is still not a complete model, but in hopes of completion by next friday is still there. So enjoy and please comment with question, or feedback (good or bad please i like hearing both)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

a couple of conversion options for your minis

Here are two different variant paint schemes and flocking we can add to your models. Feel free to drop us a line to determine what we can do to "Get You to the Table" through WARP DUST CREATIONS.

Currently availible through teir two or a custom base order.
Email us to discuss what options we have availible.

3 chariots built and Khorne Dogs WIP, Friday's Daemon List

Well i through together 3 chariots and put the second level of a 5 level paint job on the 20 hounds last night. Nothing spectacular for 4 hours work. the dogs should be done tonight or tomorrow then I may have to swap gears to take on a comission, so my daemon army will be as it over the next couple of weeks. League Game 1 will be Friday i hope. Before the pictures, here is my list for Friday. Its a Slight deviation to my double Prince list, but it will be much faster.

Keeper of Secrets
Flesh Hounds of Khorne 10
Flesh Hounds of Khorne
Daemonettes of Slaanesh
Exalted Alluress
Daemonettes of Slaanesh
Exalted Alluress
Daemonettes of Slaanesh 12 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 7 -/5(i) 118
Daemon Prince
Skull Cannon of Khorne 1

Dogs 50% done

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Forgeworld Keeper of Secrets - Complete

Well after a long weekend of putting this model together i completed it last night around 12 midnight. It is one of the more difficult models i have put together in some time. The tiny pieces that had to be added dont work well for large ape like hands similar to mine. I started painting on it with the new airbrush minataire paints.

The minaitaire paint line is awesome. Whether out of the airbrush or strait out of the pot it works flawlessly. Setting the compressor on about 10 psi i began with base coating a nice gray. Building to a color they call ancient skin (off white). From there i airbrushed on a couple shades of blue followed with what they call ghost ink (similar to a GW glaze but slightly more like a shade in recessed areas. Althought the pictures do no do this justice i spent a lot of time on the bone work and getting the leather on the arms and legs to have a worn loonk with layers of brush applied blacks. It was finally covered in a matt varnish.

Unique things
Custom scenic base built from scratch
Back flesh peeling - I wanted to look as though she had been a little battle damaged so on her back i used a liquid mask and orughed it up to look as though she had been beaten with a whip a few times (CAUSE SHE LIKES IT) and then continued to paint various layers of brusied skin, finaally sealing it at the end.
The object source ligthing is subtle in the pic but alot more visible in real life.

the base took about 2 hours to build
clean up and assembly - 2 hours
Painting  - 18 hours (11 Sunday, 7 last night)

I burnt the midnight oil on this one but this one needed to be on the field this week.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The big FAT Adepticon Picture UpLoad

Here is a ton of pics taken from adepticon 2013. I will futher blog the hits and misses later this week of this tournament.

Until then enjoy.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The start of adepticon 2013 - The swag bag pics

So i was overly pleased with the contents of the swag bags this year. About 4-5 coupns for retailers starting Friday most were 20% off, including battle foam...

A warmachines Kador Unit with jacks.
Two vicotria event only miniatures
two magazines
a bottle of new miniatiare paint from badger
2 random bases from secret weapon minis
one new company 25 mm base
a small tank and tracks to put together and other tidbits..

all in all good stuffs.

Today i picked up my adepticon dice, 3 tshirts, 3 slaanesh chariots and some old metal Khorne dogs. I also purchased a sweet leather renaissance style dice bag. Sounds like a lot, but with discounts i was out of pocket a little over 100.

More pics to follow i killed 6 double a batteries in the camera so far.

Adepticon Starts Late!!!

Getting some feedback from Jonsey in the field at Adepticon (lagging horrible though) that due to some issues They are behind schedule for starting times. at 11 am people still getting asigned tables. This will make for a long day/night of warhammer before the "Finals" begin tomorrow.

Adepticon 2013

Jonesy is away in chicago right now for Adepticon. Not playing, not entering painting, no "classes" signed up for... SO what is he doing out there you may ask, for one he is taking alot of pictures of tables, terrain, armies, players, vendors... the list goes on. He will be standing in line at the Forgeworld booth to pick up quite a few things for some people here locally. I can't wait to see all the pictures from the event and get my partner in crime back here for some painting/modelling talk.

I will release a new update from my work bench on sunday. This gives me the time I "should" need to finish my next project. One that was 80% assembled back in december, and just now getting onto the painting table...

Stay Tuned!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Skarbrand at 80% and Chaos Decimator started

I had posted dome pics up at dakka and gotten some good ratings and questions about my skarbrand conversion recently. Although the original pics were him at about 50% completions i wanted to add some pics now at the 80% completion level.

He has Flashing LEDs, a clear base for the lights to flash through and was built off a Balrog Model. The one axe came from a toy and the other one was made out of green stuff. The shoulder pads was also made out of greenstuff. I am still looking for a nice pentagram to replace the current one i didnt spend much time on but made just to see how it would look.

Colors - Khone red base, mephiston red layer, wild ryder layer, evil suns layer, with a final troll orage hi-light. The tounge is a turquois with a nice sky blue hi-light with a guilliman blue glaze. The entire body has been glazed with blood letter.

Whats left? - Chains will be added as well as finishing his skull belt and feet. Maybe another touch on his tattered wings.

Finally I started on my Forgeworl Decimator.

Warp Dust Terminators

After Letting Jones post a ton of completions from his work bench, I decided to return and place another completion of mine. This is a 5 man terminator squad placed on Swamp bases. A unit that I started some time ago, and finnally finished them up. Had some clean up on the bases to do, and I added some more highlights to the armour and insignia. I did not place any Blood Angels insignia on the models, so they could be "used" for other chapters if needed. (I use them as Flesh Tearers personally). Nice little unit that is "tourney" ready with paint. The eyes actually have four different blues on them. I think the Blue offsets the Red Armour nicely, the Sword was my 1st attempt at wet blending. The Gilliman Blue glaze worked very well in helping it blend and place natural highlights. Just needs a sceneic base to place the unit on for proper pictures.

Enjoy All.

Ebay Sales listing Number : 261204411443


Monday, April 15, 2013

Tomorrows battle and Adepticon 2013

Tomorrow I dust off my first army the 2012 blood angels. It seems strange but I only started warhammer 40k last march. In march I went to Freeman's house with Bob casselberry on a rain and beer filled night. We played a three way skirmish with mostly un-painted models and coffee cans as terrain. Bob looked at Chris and asked him if he knows what he's done......bob responded "he's all in!"

The following 14 months have ended with me acquiring more armies than even the grizzle faced veteran. I have about 8000 points of fully painted blood angels, a custom gaming table in the man cave, 6 k of tyrannies built and primed black, 5.5k of sisters of battle primed and assembled, and about 5k of Eldar I started as an allied force.

In September I went all in with csm purchasing and fully painting, all hqs, 3 heldrakes, 3 custom forge fiends, and about 120 zombies with other large troops. Roughly about another 6-7k of csm.

I picked up a few daemons for allies and another crusade began. LEDs started taking shape, Chris mastered it and. Continues to make it more awesome.

I now own abou 5k in a full daemon army. Incan say of all the ones played, it really works for my play style. Shock and awe, that's my play style.

But anyway, tomorrow I'll run the ba group against a close friend and pack my stuff for Adepticon goodness. I'll be posting a lot of pics on Monday so stay tuned. If anyone needs forge world stuff let me know and I'll pick it up. If money ones well I'll be picking up an airbrush and a miniataire paint set. Stay tuned for another level of painting at warp dust creations......taking commissions now for led      Work and painting.  Ps I will table top paint for daemon troop choices....email us to find out what models to trade in for painting goodness....

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tourney Prep - 1850 tomorrow and random thoughts

Cant decide exactly what my daemons will be doing tomorrow. I still seem to have synergies and combos that other internet gaming blogs havent seemed to locate. There are some really nice and powerful combos in this book, but everyone is so focused on what doesnt work. Take the time to play test and proxy your new codex. Math hammer is powerful but its not enough. Its enough to give you a good base, but not enough to list build off it.

Also something to think about ---You have to have a list that synergizes with your playstyle. It doesnt matter if you have an auto place pancake and waffle list with Necrons. If you dont like playing that style, you wont be as successful as a less powerful list that fits your playstyle.

For instance, I totally hate shooting. Giving me an all shooting list will distract and annoy me. I wont play my list at the best level. I love HTH and spells, and fast units. So i tend to build lists to allow me to do this vs all comers.

I read a good blog the other day. Assualt is allive and well in the 6th. The Meta changes so much with each codex release, so anything good today will be gone tomorrow. So where does that leave you?

Play the table, Assault the table, utilize the table to play your game and it wont matter what list or what meta you face. The game is moving back to generic codexs that force the ability to win back in the players hands, not cheesy auto win tactics, and I for one, love it.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

LED Wiring

As all of you know Mr Jones has dedicated himself to working fully on painting. His skills have far surpased my own, to where I litterally only want to do the base colours, then ship the models to him and have him finish them. With that being said I have taken a different path using my electronic skills and tiny drill bits to much better use.

L.E.D. Wiring of miniatures. This is the first "vague" posting of this nature. This is the Primer of what is to come from Get in the Game Painting staff. Soon hope you will see these Characters and units on a table near you!!!.As purchasing, and wiring of the models as to the depth of the "display" the outcome is fantastic. This is only my second WIP attempt at wiring such a small scale (as opposed to a vehicle) but wiring it up isn't physically demanding, it is mainly the foreseeing of how the model needs to be posed, articulated, drilled, and finally based to hide all working mechinisms.Now for this post there is no pictures. as for I want to wait for the finished product to be available, just wanted to update from My side of the workbench what has been going on to place on the table. Some people whom view this site have seen the 1st attempt at wiring, nothing to bulky or out of the ordinary (except the base). But this model is on a "standard" base. Though it has lovely additions to it. I can't wait to show the pics once Jonesy gets done painting it. Perhaps it would end up being a nice "sergeant" for someones army.

Keep the "ideas" flowing in as we are willing to try to make almost anything work for any 28mm table top game...


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hello all!

Just wanted to provide some updates to whats been going on at get in the game painting (http://getinthegamepainting.blogspot.com/)
and warp dust creations.

Its been a busy 2-3 weeks. We have been looking at perfecting our LED lighting effects and have some marvelous stuff to show you in the next few days. We also have been extremely busy getting a few units done for some folks for Adepticon. I have an update of the ork truck conversions (6 are done, 3 are at 50%), and the FW Wolf terminators should be making an appearance on the blog sometime in the next few days as well.

So people ask me you work on so much for other people, what do you do for yourself? See below for a long picture string of whats going on in the warped mind of Jonsey.
As always, follow our blog, we try to update new creations and commisions on a semi weekly basis.
Look for our Ja'Took game and a possible monthly podcast in the near future.
one headed (personal collection)

2 headed (personal collection)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Commision Rules and Templates soon to hit the site

To all of you who LOVE the game but may not find enough time to work on your army. We are finally working on the commision rules, and the template on how to fill it out and send it back in. We appreciate the focus and support of this website and Blog, we are to the point now of taking on outside work from our own armies. We are very pleased to offer this and hope that people take advantage of this expierence. The is to get more people into the game with painted armies, or "wired" armies, Get in the Game Painting would love to see more and more people show up with "specialized" armies. We will take each and every submission wholeheartedly, but please bare with us and pending on the size of the order, time will definately be needed for completion. If there is a "hurry" on your needs, charges may apply. Please feel free to email with questions concerns as needed.

Thank you.

Apocolypse pictures March 2013

Well the local gaming group had an apocoplyse game at the home of local Gamer Kenny B. Here are the pictures of the evil vs the good. Kenny had an amazing set up. His brother, Chris F, Ryan, Josh F, Josh Shivak, Doug, and john were some of those in attendance. A special thanks to Kenny for hosting. For those of the emporer. my plague tower gets the Elton John award, of its still standing. Many super heavies were utilized and it came down to the back half of the tables between kenny's orks and Josh F's relictors. Lets say the evil side won. Enjoy the pictures.

Ork Truks Update

So i have been workong on some serious conversions for Calvin Smarr in his road to Adpeticon. I would like to share some progress pictures. Some of them are step by step as they were completed. I will post one completed picture and you will have to click the read more to see the progress.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Dont give up, give it time

This was one of my first conversions and it was painted around June 2012. I look at it now and cringe. You have to push yourself. to learn new techniques, to learn the color wheel, how to use brushes, blends, fades and do rely heavily on drybrushing.

Now whats happened since this photo? Countless hours of painting /repainting and internet scouring, watching painting videos, talking with tlented painters etc...
I practice painting about 20 hours a week. You cant get better if you do something so randomly and without focused effort and expect to get better. You too can get better. I expect another year from now, my paiting and modeling should be 100% better than these after pictures.

To be the Best, Compete with the Best (Vacation to TN)

I spent a few days of vacation to run down to Tennesee to pick up some antiques from the parents as they downsize to a smaller home. During my travels i wanted to go and see the Hobby store that has popped up in my absence from Tennessee. Wow, was i surprised to see the amount of GW stock. They pretty much had one every model, including the direct only GW stuff. 18 tables! count them 18 tables. This is a Gaming store that blew me away. Also to my surprise there were a couple of awesome painters. I have pushed to make my painting the best it can be and still have room to grow. But this trip showed me what i want to be when i grow up. Take a look at these photos....

Other than that, when you want to get better, you have to play the best. I am looking forward to going to Adpeticon and getting some good pick up games with all the gamers coming from everywhere. You do not get any better playing the same group. Your own particular strategies may improve and i love playing with friends, but that person you dont know that does things you cant predict, is the best way to grow. I also look forward to the lague starting this week as their are so many differnt people and some new people joining it. This will challenge everyone to break out of their old habits when they are pushed in a different direction by a different opponet.

Finally, whats left for me this week and next. Well i am selling my 4k points of Eldar. I am working on 4 terminators for Ryan, followed by finishing up 9 converted and painted buggies for Calvin for Adepticon.
No mercy, mercy is for the weak, we do not train to be merciful in this dojo.

ALso i plan to pick up an airbrush kit at adepticon from the sale of the eldar. Doug i havent forgot about you. Hopefully i can get my teeth cut on this and we can get some painting in.