Saturday, July 29, 2017

An July is in the bag

... and miracles happen.  I finished the July unit.  Yes I missed last Fridays post, and technically this Fridays post, I spent the time finishing up the guants.  This completes my first unit of guants, only a 10 man, its still complete.  I have my Tervigon summoning unit.  I am really happy with the way they turned out.  Not sure whats next, I can start to work on the warriors that I started this month, or maybe get a big bug painted up.  The Tervigon has a pretty good base coat on it.  The previous owner of the collection had started him.  There is always room for more genestealers...

The initial pic is of the paint bench group.  The 5 guys from July and the 2 I kept on the bench for color matching purposes.  This group doesn't have the blue on the backs.  The blue patterns are used to denote 10 man groups in the larger 30 man groups.  This is not needed when there are onlyg going to be 10 of them.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Back on Track... maybe

So yes its a couple days late.  In fairness I did take the pics Thursday night anticipating my Friday update.  Then all hell broke loose and work was crazy busy.  The good news is the June unit was completed.  I finished the final round of highlights, did the teeth and eyes and presto!

The first group of 5 for the 10 man is done.  This group has yellow guns (those following along, the gun color is how I will differentiate between units.  I am not sold on the center "eye" coloring in this group.  I want them to stand out from the ammo and vents, i don't think this pops quiet enough.  I am going to try something different with the other 5 guys for this unit.  Not pictured here, but this unit has devourer left arms.  When building 90 guants I ran out of arms before flesh borers.  This will limit this unit to 10 guys.  Perfect for 8th ed tervigon summoning.

That means I am on to the July 5 man.  Below are the process shots (from last Thursday).  This Friday you can see just how far they have come in a week.  

** spoiler alert, note the 4 warriors in the back of the pic? They were also started this week with the 5 man guants!  The base colors and initial inking go really fast so it wasn't much extra time to get a jump start on the warriors too.  These guys are just after initial inking, before any highlighting.

Friday, July 7, 2017


Well you guessed it, 60 days since the last post can only mean 1 thing... epic failure.  Unfortunately the goal completely broke down in May.  I took a week or so off of painting and it really bit me.  Then 8th edition 40k rumors started so I stayed on a painting break.  From there I started thinking going back to bugs was going to be the way to go.  So with all the leaks I used hobby time for gaming and painting stayed on break.

I picked up the brush here and there, and the May unit was actually finished June 21st. The unit finished up nice, the colors are solid throughout the 15 man unit, and it is nice to see them all together.  Glad I went with the 15 man, so i can play Deathwatch with painted cult.  Why not just post then?  well I was hoping to have a magic 10 man month.

At the time these guys were finished I was pumped for 40k and coming off a several game winning streak.  So I decided to return to NIDs.  I thought I could pick up a unit of primed guants and knock them out in a week.  Again EPIC FAIL! the last section of June got crazy and GW announced power creep codex is back so my enthusiasm took a nose dive.  

Alas there may still be hope.  I am going to try (yes again) to post weekly, regardless of status.  Either reporting on status, or lamenting about the GW power creep.  I have the brush in hand and ready to paint.  Assuming I can finish the 5 guants for June, then my issue is do I do more guants? or get some warriors in?