Friday, May 17, 2013

Tourn: Update Nova Open GT.

Been telling the group for a long time I will atend tournies this year. Its May have hit a whole "ZERO" so far. Was sent some infor yesterday about the Virginia based NOVA OPEN GT in late august. (begins 29th of August). I began talking to the Girlfriend, and looking at funds and what we need to get fixed on cars (funny no warhammer notes yet right) who to watch the kids hotel costs, rent a car? fix ours? it came down to she wants to go. So once we talk about it some more this weekend, I will most likely buy our "weekend" Pass for both of us. This will lock us in for attending, and have a nice 5 day 4 night stay out for once. Still undecided if I will play yet or not as no matter what army I play will require a ton of attention before then. My flesh tearer list I have (almost all WYSIWYG) for what I play excluding the vehicles. my Daemons are about 400.00 off from just not proxy models. As I play them more I am finding the synergy that I like. so I have time to decide, to play or just walk and photo shoot for the site and our community. depends on who else wishes to play in this event if I will or not. Updates soon to follow the FT vs. Daemon list from WEdnesday night. Waiting for Picture to Download.
Updates here to follow once the group decides who will go and who will play.


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