Friday, March 22, 2013

FBI alert "THAT GUY" spotted at the INDY GT

There are rumors floating around that "That Guy" was spotted at the local Mexican Resteraunt "EL RODEO."

Witnesses say that he was seen comsuming heavy quantities of adult beverages and hooting it up.

At approximately 8:23pm, "That Guy" vomited on two of his friends and right infront of a very attractive girl standing in line to pay for his meal before disappearing to the lavatory.

Reporter "Randy Savage" found a bystander outside and this was how it went down.

Savage - Sir, sir, what happened
Jones - (who was on the ground laughing or crying we dont know) "that guy" just let it go. He looked a little glassy eyed. I didnt think he would pull out the big guns again, but before he did, he warned everyone back up back up, "i got this!' I dont even know where i am , Exclaimed Jones.

Follow up
Savage - Jones was found in a metal institution with 7 other Indy GT members in white rooms. When asked for comments all of them rocked back and forth muttering "that guy, that guy that guy.

Warning - if you see that guy, report it to the local authorities.

1 comment:

  1. Story was so good that Randy Savage came back from the dead to report it. Oh Yeah.
