I know in a painting blog, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but I have played marines since day 1 of gaming. I always liked the idea of being a super human in armor. I still love them, but with 7th there codex is a B+. I have hopes that with Tyranid codex will be in the B range and they will be playable. On a competitive level if you don't have a codex you don't have a chance, and even with a codex, right now if its not chaos, its not top table. If the nids I did put a some hours on the belly of the Tervigon.
I really like the stretched skin over the emerging gaunts. Last step on the August model is the carapace. Fingers crossed I can get it done.
So what the hell did i do? Well I doubled my warmachine collection, literally. I had some hobby money and toyed with the idea of buying the Grymkin army. I decided instead, mainly since I was having so much fun painting them I would round I my Cryx army. Besides, its a limited faction, i will be able to whole army as a lot in a couple years. I had started piecemeal parts in, then found someone selling off their mark 2 collection. Aside from assembling and organizing the collection, I painted up Skarre 1.
Here is just before the final stages, I really liked the face at this point.
In the final version I am not a happy with the face. I have a couple ideas from dr. jones on how to highlight the face. I will post the final version. I am much happier with the purple on the coat over the last model.
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