Ok so today in email, I got a new commission to hit the work bench. Sent response of estimate and acceptance was delivered about an hour ago. Models should be shipped early am tomorrow and arrive Friday/Saturday for start of commission. I am happy and eager to start this one as I have wanted to work on some new lighting concepts I have drawn up. This model will be a prime subject for this type of wiring, and can't wait to start! Due to the possible complexity of wiring and then painting the model with lights in it, may take some time and taping will be a must. I hope to have some progress photos up after the model and supplies arrive for this one.
Stay tuned for more details as project gets underway

Update on this project has now "doubled". While taking on this custom build (on the right) my brother opted for me to do some work on his as well. My brother's is on the left which is getting some lighting effects. The one on the right is getting more articulated pose on a custom "fallen shrine" base. to see how i even got the legs this far click to read more.
Okay this was the start of the model after about an hour on the base with basic cork for now. More to be added once all the wiring and model is done. Where the left foot is the Owner wanted an inquisitor icon there. I will end up painting this on rather then building it up off the cork. To start this I had to cut the knee joints on both legs and then build them back up. a heated xacto blade (my hot knife from the local hobby store had this tip already so didn't have to make one) and some very time consuming and careful cutting resulted in picture 3.

This picture was actually the first part of starting this articulation. Having to cut the power cabling going from the thigh to the shin (backside of kneed joint) was very simple to cut and trim. This will be replaced with coloured plastic, heated and custom fitted to match the "original" size and basic shape.
This is what the Knee joint pieces looks like after the hot knifeing. The first one took some extra clean up time, but after learning that, the second one was a snap. left myself no "scars" or greenstuff needed during reassembly! so as this being the first "articulation" of this type I have done, wasn't hard on the start of things.
Both thigh sections looking at possible wiring routes really for the fiber optics/LED's. ended up not running wires through this as the thigh/shin are very open. I chose to run in twined the thigh/shin and drill through the left foot to run wires down into the base, which will house the batteries, and one of the numerous LED's on this model.
Basic assembly of legs, note the foot pedals at this time are not modified. The right leg "piston" needs some work still, I will recut this open and reglue and erase the small seam the is there now. My kit came from GW warped, so heating it with a hairdryer slowly, still didn't fix this issue. I will most likely have to rubber band the two pieces once i re-align them and see if that works. The model itself is only at a slight angle at the hips, i kept it this way as I wanted to show off the machines ability to walk over things, while maintaining a "level" plane for the pilot
Different angle of the project but nothing changed from above step.

Here this shows the very small change to the pilots foot pedal. The left leg I actually had to cut out the whole shaft that held the pedal, mold the shin guard and knee plate with a hair dryer arond the knee joint, and then once that was fitted, i rebuilt the pedal shaft with green stuff, and mounted the pedal again.

As you can see the shin guard does not "wrap" the knee joint in the articulation. unfortuneately GW did not think of a machine joint that could articulate both forward (like a bi-ped) or backward (like most rear legs on a quadri-ped) so to show that I made the shin/knee guard "open up" and just move UP the leg. I look at it like the knee/shin plate move up to protect the equipment that would then be exposed by the foot pedal moving up as well. Just my thought process on this one.

And the first pic in series (before the read more) shows the minor height increase and very small shift in the horizontal plane on the dreadknight on the right versus my brother's on the left. For my brother's I am using the commission to find good lighting places. My brother's is glued and I will need to cut it open to run the lights for better effectiveness. Those pictures will also join this thread as both are due before the NOVA GT that begins august 28th!. Follow this post for my current updates to Nova!!!!
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