Tomorrow I dust off my first army the 2012 blood angels. It seems strange but I only started warhammer 40k last march. In march I went to Freeman's house with Bob casselberry on a rain and beer filled night. We played a three way skirmish with mostly un-painted models and coffee cans as terrain. Bob looked at Chris and asked him if he knows what he's done......bob responded "he's all in!"
The following 14 months have ended with me acquiring more armies than even the grizzle faced veteran. I have about 8000 points of fully painted blood angels, a custom gaming table in the man cave, 6 k of tyrannies built and primed black, 5.5k of sisters of battle primed and assembled, and about 5k of Eldar I started as an allied force.
In September I went all in with csm purchasing and fully painting, all hqs, 3 heldrakes, 3 custom forge fiends, and about 120 zombies with other large troops. Roughly about another 6-7k of csm.
I picked up a few daemons for allies and another crusade began. LEDs started taking shape, Chris mastered it and. Continues to make it more awesome.
I now own abou 5k in a full daemon army. Incan say of all the ones played, it really works for my play style. Shock and awe, that's my play style.
But anyway, tomorrow I'll run the ba group against a close friend and pack my stuff for Adepticon goodness. I'll be posting a lot of pics on Monday so stay tuned. If anyone needs forge world stuff let me know and I'll pick it up. If money ones well I'll be picking up an airbrush and a miniataire paint set. Stay tuned for another level of painting at warp dust creations......taking commissions now for led Work and painting. Ps I will table top paint for daemon troop us to find out what models to trade in for painting goodness....