Now several layers in, I still have to highlight the purple and smaller sacs. I am really happy with the way this go round has turned out. The tone is separate from the skin, and highlighted up to show the new broods forming. The picture doesn't capture the orange undertone. It helps blend the cream skin and red carapace. Another session on the bottom, then I will be ready to highlight up the red.
So one thing I have come to realize is that I get burnt out painting units. A good example is the GSC group from earlier this year. The first 5 I was gun hoe for, and started the second unit right away. By the time I had gotten to the 3rd set, I was ready for a break. Typically here is where I would take a couple weeks (aka 2 months) off of painting. I have found that painting the single warmachine solo, keeps things fresh and me interested in painting. I think its the break from the marine/nid army palettes. When working on those projects you want everyone to look as part of a cohesive group. With the solos, I can keep the overall tone "dark" but still use color. I like the fact that I can start the mini on Monday and have it done by the weekend. Here is the final solo in the withershadow combine. I struggled with the purple cloak. It did not highlight up the way the red and blue did. I will have to play around with the color on other models. In the end I can live with it, but I want a more "silky" look to them.
As a group the flesh, pulls them together. I am happy with the group. Alas its time to hit the nids hard. Looks like they will be getting a codex this year and be able to play with the big kids again.