Monday, September 18, 2017

Ok Ok, just hold on...

Before you freak out, yes there will be warmachine updates, and yes it will look like I did more work on them then 40k, however, I have to admit that I did a lot of re-work on the Tervigon.  I had been working on the under side pouch.  It was turning out way to yellow, and was hard to discern from the skin.  So I basically started it over.  So the August portion isnt done, and well the clock is ticking on this month.  On to the updates...

Now several layers in, I still have to highlight the purple and smaller sacs.  I am really happy with the way this go round has turned out.  The tone is separate from the skin, and highlighted up to show the new broods forming.  The picture doesn't capture the orange undertone.  It helps blend the cream skin and red carapace.  Another session on the bottom, then I will be ready to highlight up the red.

So one thing I have come to realize is that I get burnt out painting units.  A good example is the GSC group from earlier this year.  The first 5 I was gun hoe for, and started the second unit right away.  By the time I had gotten to the 3rd set, I was ready for a break.  Typically here is where I would take a couple weeks (aka 2 months) off of painting.  I have found that painting the single warmachine solo, keeps things fresh and me interested in painting.  I think its the break from the marine/nid army palettes. When working on those projects you want everyone to look as part of a cohesive group.  With the solos, I can keep the overall tone "dark" but still use color.  I like the fact that I can start the mini on Monday and have it done by the weekend.  Here is the final solo in the withershadow combine.  I struggled with the purple cloak.  It did not highlight up the way the red and blue did.  I will have to play around with the color on other models.  In the end I can live with it, but I want a more "silky" look to them.

As a group the flesh, pulls them together.   I am happy with the group.  Alas its time to hit the nids hard.  Looks like they will be getting a codex this year and be able to play with the big kids again.

Friday, September 1, 2017

/waveshand This is not the update you are looking for

So August wasn't the greatest paint month out there.  With Birthday stuff, foot issues, and general craziness at work I had limited hobby time.  Here is where I will put the disclaimer; those looking for the Nids and Warhammer 40k, this is not for you.  While the Tervigon did get some love, she only got a couple layers in on the lower skin tone, and I didn't get a chance to grab pics today at lunch :-(

 In a general sense, warmachine armies are poorly (if at all painted), compared to what you see in 40k.  I have been to large events like adepticon and local events.  3 slapped on colors, a splatter or 2 on the base and presto "expert " painted warmahordes is the standard.  There are of course the stand out players with greatly painted armies, but in general the quality is low.  I asked around and timing seemed to be the theme.  They didn't think they had time to paint well, so they quickly slapped paint on.  While I agreed it does take practice to get good at painting, especially highlighting,  I wanted to see if with limited time I could turn out well painted models (7-9 scale).   In this case I wanted to take my "8" model painted last time and get a 10.  So here it is, the final touch, now with strings...

...and with that, presto he tops the charts.  Seems simple, but very dramatic, especially in Warmahordes where model conversion is forbidden (at least restricted and frowned upon).  Little details like this really set your army apart.  Most people slap on 3 colors, but you go all the way to do string bows, you are scoring bonus points with judges.  The overall process took about an hour per model.  In actuality I spent about double that on each model, if you count the ink dry time.  My process was to paint to base layers and ink in 1 setting, then come back and highlight everything another night.  To demonstrate, here is the second of the solos at what I call the "base" layer.  This is the stage before inking/washing.

I actually hate this stage, everything looks lack luster and missing depth.  It is however a great example of an "expert" paint job in Warmachine.  No joke, this is level you normally see at events and I have seen it take best painted.  In general I am also avoiding black.  If I had a nickel for every Cryx army I see painted jet black with green eyes and "glowing" green parts I could afford a painting service.  You can paint "dark" and use color... simply amazing.

about 40 minutes and a bunch of highlights later

Really effective process, I used a similar technique on a unit of Banes last year.  There is a final guy in the unit, and he is at the second stage of highlights I think it is safe to say challenge passed.  Fast effective painting that is well more that 3 colors and put you in the running for best painted.