Monday, May 1, 2017

BAM Shacka Lacka

I did it!  Officially the date on the pics is 4-26-17.  The unit was finished, and the challenge still on track.  I will admit that I did get an extra afternoon of paint time, being off from work.  I know, I know, I did use the time to get the squad done, but I also finished up the squad days early.  I tell myself I would have gotten the unit done anyway, but like I said in the last post, panic had set in.

Here are 2 of the guys close up.  The rock drill and  regular guy.  It took an extra layer to get the skin of this group to match the skin of the other group.  Not bad, that is the only blended color I use on the guys.  The rest of the colors are out of the pot, usually thinned with water (80/20) then blended up a shade (50/50).  When I am doing the Nids, the skin and carapace are both blended colors, so several steps include the color matching.

With the extra time I also got in a side project; The Magus and Crouchling.  Full disclosure: the Crouchling was actually a side project last month, when I was working on how to paint the "brains".  This is not the Magus from the Overwatch box, this is in fact an old school (2nd edition baby!) Magus. Thats right, way back in the day they had cult guard.  I like how the main features are still prominent in the model line.  Those who know me, know I like to use an old school model in all of my armies.  This is the one for the cult.

I recently got a new phone and have quite figured out the lighting to get decent pictures.  I went with the traditional red and bone for the Magus.  I didn't get any shots, but the bone armor on his back came out real nice.  The brains are hard to see on the crouchling as well, but I am happy with the way both models turned out.

With 8th edition of 40k on the horizon and big changes promised, I am tempted to "wait and see".  I have a company of marines, and 3 piles of bugs that need painted.  Who knows what will be viable/fun to play when 8th drops.   Rather than stop the paint challenge I am going to focus on grunts for the next couple of months.  I had wanted to paint up a character or 2, but, I think its a safer bet to stick to the grunts.  For painting cult I am going to work on the other contents to Overkill.  Worst case is I have painted models for that game. No matter what changes in 8th, I am pretty sure I will always need guants and acolytes.  My fingers are crossed the cult keep most of the same mechanics.  I really like there ability to move around the board and would love to play them into the next edition.  It would also be a kick in the wallet to have bought all of them and only play them for 6 months, wouldn't be the first time GW got me like that.  I guess they can always go on the shelf.  It only took 5 editions to play cult guard again, they can wait...