BAM! Done! That's right, its not a trick the next 5 man is done. I hit the same hurdle, that first layer of skin highlights. When I got to that point, I did about 1.5 guys in a sitting. Same for the second layer of highlights. Had a couple good nights behind the brush and knocked this group out. Below is a mix of the 5 completed guys and 2 from the first group. Hopefully you cant tell which is which.
close ups of 2 recent guys
Up next I think I am going to switch gears. Even though there are 5 guys left in unit to bring it to 15 man. I think I am going to start some of the GSC hybrids. I have 15 - 30 to paint up, depending on which list I play. I think I am going to go with the Cult of the hivemind colors. The red should pull the nids and cult together as an army.