Friday, January 20, 2017


Well its mid month, a bit late, but close.  Progress, well not the best.   Santa happened leave a GSC army in my stocking... so most of the bugs got shelved.  I did however want to keep working with a detachment of them.  So I am running a mix of GSC  I hit a spot painting the first highlight on the skin.  The first couple of guys seemed to bog down the process.  So I took a few days off from the brushes.  Came back to it and got the skin ready for final highlights and the carapace a couple layers up.  Are they 50% , not exactly probably about 40%.  Crunch time, can't miss the first month.  ON the up side the patriarch has followed along with the steelers.  As each guy is highlighted I do a limb on it.

Genesteelers are still bugs right?  When you bringing 40 of them... yeah still a swarm of bugs.

Skin and armor highlights are still needed.  Then claws and facial details.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Its Back! Dun dun dun duh!

Wow, its been awhile since we have seen any updates here.  Why? what happened?  the team got in the game!  2015 and 2016 were big years for the group here.  Lots of tournaments (Adepticons, Buckeye Battles, Da Boyz, Origins, Jonesapoloosa, etc...) some drama, new stores, and new gaming groups in the area popped up.

So why the resurrection of this page? Well that's part my new year's resolution, paint more.  If you followed this blog the first go round you can see my infrequent updates.  Historically I am a "slow" painter, preferring to build/customize minis, however I am out of stuff to build.  So this year I want to concentrate on getting the bulk of some armies painted.  So My resolution is to paint a 5 man squad a month.  Doesn't sound like much,  60 miniatures, but its 2 to 3 times the amount I normally do in a year.  The exception to that is if I am cranking stuff out for a specific tourney.   Unfortunately I know Adepticon is a no go this year. Even then the last couple events the army hit the table with the 3 color minimum. So the idea will be to keep this blog updated, I will have to keep painting, keeping me focused on the goal.  Ideally I will get in at least 2 updates a month on progress.  On to what to paint....

In 2016 I got a complete, (all but a ForgeWorld flying Herridon) Tyranid army.  I know crazy right, in the meta of Battle Co, Daemon flying circus, and triptide wings, why would anyone play bugs? I always liked the look of Tyranids and it was the only Xenos army I have not yet collected over the years.  So that leaves me with either 2 Battle Companies+ of Marines or the bugs.  Bugs win! I went with Hive fleet Kraken, I like the bright red on the lighter flesh tones. First up here are the 2 5 man test groups I did last year (2016).  I usually paint 1 or 2 test models, but with 120+ to paint, test 5 mans seemed right.

I am using the color of the fleshborers to denote different squads.  With the possibility of having 120 guants on the board, I wanted a way have different squads, but not loose the overall cohesion of the army.  I thought about using bright patterns on the carapace, but I wanted more individual patterning on them rather than using them like squad markings.