Recap tournament season 2013
SO i wanted to do a recap and a small analysis on the 2013 tournament season. Until this year I never been really interested in tournaments. Now, remember my first game i ever played of WH40k was in March of 2011 at Chris Freeman's house with coffee cans as terrain. I remember seeing all the miniatures and thinking that it was extremely nerdy. After the first dice roll i was hooked. During that game I was given 5 terminators and a scout squad and we played a 3 way battle with Bob Casselberry. It wasn't 4 weeks later I had made my first GW purchase. Bought about 1000.00 of Blood angels and the codex. I started a frantic pace of assembling and painting. Some of my early attempts of painting can be seen should you scroll through the very first days of this blog. I played Blood Angels all summer long until the release of 6th edition. The people I played with were friendly but, still they are tough competitors, so my skills grew quickly from the ass whoopings. My painting was far above my play and in the paint lab i began working on my skills every night. I became a painting machine spending 4-5 hours a night 4-5 days a week. My blood angels began atking a very dark and broodish look when i began repainting them, many asked why I didnt just play chaos. When the chaos book hit I swapped over and began a CSM army. Briefly followed by my favorite army, chaos deamons. In 2013 I began competing in tournaments, which is the sole purpose of this post.
So for the record
Indy GT - 3-3
Adepticon - visitor only
Origins GT - 3-0 BEST GENERAL (combo of painting and battle points)
Nova GT - 3-3 Top 10 in painting out of 256
Da Boyz GT - 4-2
Steel City - 1-2 BEST PAINTED
So 14 W and 10L
58% win ratio
Armies I lost to, -
INDY --- IG, CSM, Dark Eldar (playing CSM main no allies)
ORIGINS - zero losses (played Daemons main no allies)
Nova - Tau, Tau-dar. and Tau (Daemons no allies)
Da Boyz - Eldar and Taudar (CSM main Daemon allies)
Steel city - IG and Tau (CSM main and Daemon allies)
50% of my losses came via some sort of Tau or combo of Tau
30% to Taudar
20% - IG and assorted
All in all I learned a lot about the tournament scene and a lot of list building. I think for the first time in a long time the release schedule doesn't allow for you to play the exact same army all year long. Numerous changes and revamps will occur due to the release schedule which force you to constantly re-tool your army for the meta shifts. So if nothing else anyone competing this year got a lot of experience in the list building phase of the game. Well that's my reflection of 2013. For 2014, I will be focusing on tooling up my Nids for Adepticon. If I dont get all the painting and conversions done, I will be playing my go to army, which is some sort of Daemon and CSM.