Friday, November 29, 2013

Holiday time? Sh!t dawg it's paint time

Just finished up a decimator build and paint for Doug

Iron warriors Kung fu style

Now it's was time to make me a black legion sorcerer on a bike

Now a gay test

Here's looking at you kid, purple pink fade armor, choppered out, kit from the geistheist bat for a rider. Finally realistic airbrushed flames in neon green.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

DABOYZ Meta and Calvins Journey


Well another great GT in the books! This past weekend saw jacky and I heading over to Daboyz GT in rotchester, and the venue was amazing. A sold out lodge with deer heads on the wall and stuffed bears in the entryway made it the perfect manly location for a weekend of 40k! Here's what I was running,

Warboss w/bike, power claw, pole-130.   
3 meganobz-120
Bwagon w/rolla-110
10 grotz-40
20 orks-120
14 boys+nob w/big choppa-105        

3 deffcoptas w/bigbommb-150

3 lobba w/3 runts-84
3 lobba w/3 runts-84
Bwagon w/rolla-110.           

Lord w/axe of blind fury, jugg, khorne mark, melta bomb, aura of dark glory-165
15 cultist-70
4 chaos spawn w/nurgle mark-144.                         

Mission 1

Primary: kill points
Secondary: 4 objectives 

     Day 1 of gaming saw me paired up with Nathan and his space wolf army on a nice mountain table providing alot of LOS blocking terrain. The lobbas hiding behind the hills took a heavy tally early on the long fang squads, and with my AV 14 hulls pointed into the remaining fire I was able to make an aggressive push towards his lines, the biggest threat in the game came from 4 thunderwolf pushing up one flank towards my vulnerable troops and lobbas, the khorne lord was the first to try his hand at slowing them down, beating the character in a challenge but getting ripped down in the subsequent turn, ghazghkull then stepped in alone to show em how it was done, his str 10 claw made short work of them slaying two more and forcing the remaining to flee where Ghaz followed up and charged later to make sure they wouldn't be coming back! Turn 6 saw the wolves surrounded and the game ended with 5 wolves fighting to end in their deployment zone.

End score 32/33pts

Game 2

Primary: Relic
Secondary: emperors will

Game 2 saw me squared off with my favorite opponent Dennis Cote, Dennis and I had played each other last year at Daboyz and I was glad to be able to get another fun game in with him and his amazingly converted ork army.
I won the roll to have Dennis go first and his battlewagon carrying Ghazghkull moved up towards my left flank while his large nob biker unit took control of the relic, in my turn lobbas killed some lootas and pinned them down and both my battlewagons advanced and dropped both Ghaz and nobs and 15 man ork squad onto the bikers to prevent their escaping with the relic. With the boyz holding up the fists in the bike squad Ghaz and his nobz engaged the rest, winning combat and sending half the bikes fleeing, dropping the relic. 
      Turn 2 Dennis Ghaz and ard boys pushed right up to my vulnerable firebase in preparation for a devastating multi assault for turn 3. Luckily I had held back my khorne lord and spawn to guard them, the spawn assaulted and destroyed the wagon and tied up ghaz unit. Ultimately Dennis Ghaz broke free and moved towards the middle of the board where fate conspired to bring two Ghazghkulls fighting on top of the relic in single combat! Unfortunately my phone died and I was unable to capture such a historic moment, my Ghaz, already hurt fell to Dennis's. the only way I was getting that relic was to push Ghaz off. The khorne lord was only to happy to oblige! The game ended up with me holding the relic and my deffcoptas outflanking in with my bike warboss to clear Dennis backlines of scoring troops.

End score 33/33 pts

Game 3

Primary: scouring
Secondary: big guns
Total 6 objectives

Game 3 saw a jump up to table 5 paired off with previous years adepticon winner brad Chester, Brads was a nice guy but a TERRIBLE matchup in this mission. Having practiced this deployment against my brother against just such an army I knew I was in trouble.  With a hammer and anvil deployment and brad sporting 3x5 eldar jetbikes, swooping hawks and 2x8 warpspiders, I knew the likelihood of catching or stopping all these fast scoring units was very low. As brad won the roll to make me go first, knowing I wouldn't be able to cover the distance and contest his deep objectives I settled in defensively to wrap my own objectives as best as possible and attempt to score a point off one of his fast or heavy choices to break the standoff. This strategy would go on to not work. At all. Brad played a perfect game and left no holes to exploit, the warp spider wreaked havoc on my scoring troops of bubble wrap tissue paper and made stopping the 50" moving jetbikes an impossibility to stop come last turn rush to contest my zone. Fun game but my army just lacked the speed necessary against a bike army in that type of deployment.

End score 0/33 pts

Tune in tommorow for a recap of the last 3 games and some thoughts on the shape of the meta and listbuilding thoughts going into the Pittsburg iron legion tourny coming up dec 7!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Whats been going on

Well  has been over a month since I have posted.  The gear up for Nova burnt me out a little on painting, so I took some time off from behind the brush.  The release of the Space Marine codex has kept me occupied, giving me a nice change of pace from my Relictor (Space Wolf) army.  I decided that after 5+ years of faithful service the 4 units of Relictors that formed the staple of my army lists were going to be retired for a bit in reward for there long faithful service to the Emporer.  I love the conversions in the units and standing along side the Grey Knight force in the display case they look awesome together.  I had developed the 4th companys background and I started to paint up a unit of Devistator Centurions, as part of the new company, but I just wasnt excited about painting them.   I thought a break from painting would be good then I would get back to it after a couple of weeks. I came back to the unit and again just wasn't motivated to paint them.  I wasn't happy with they way they were painting up.  Here they just have the base coat done.

In process shot, can't make it out but the armarature has been painted similiar to the Grey Knight DreadKnight I did for Nova

  For those of you who followed the "Road to Nova" blog the majority of the items I painted were Grey Knights, which I was very happy with the way they turned out.  I was also pleased with getting "Tabletop Ideal" for my painting score at Nova.  I have gotten a few side projects completed in the last weeks.  I scratch built a preditor tank out of only items found in a bitz box.  It turned out pretty cool, i had to custom shape some pieces, mainly the tread since that was the hardest thing to find.  The build is only missing the front headlights from the kit.  I also magnetized the sponsons and with luck I will be getting some pieces of extra armor to add to the kit.  I took some time to work up some objective markers, mainly just playing around with different base colors and washes to see which one I liked better.

I decided to try my hand at wet blending a marine, rather than just edge highlighting the base armor color.  I dug through the new Space Marine codex and licked the background for the Exceorsists.  I wanted to do a bright color for the wet blending instead of a darker color.  With the last couple of armies I painted I have done 1 or 2 test models to work out the colors and highlights.  This time I jumped into the deep end and painted up a Librarian I had converted up. I haven't decicded if I am going to edge highlight his armor or not.  For basing I was thinking about a sandy ruins, to make the red pop.

I love the way the Librarian turned out, I was even thinking of doing an allied attachement to my Relictors since Excersists have a lot of scouts... So I started working on a scout only to read the forgeworld update.... the Mantis Warriors getting Divination, move through cover, Furious Assualt (from cover) and hammer of wrath for infantry.  Damn I guess I have to try this with green now...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Da Boyz list 2013

HQ: Typhus (1 , 230 pts)
1 6 5 4/6 5 4 5/1 3 10 2+/5(i) 230
(C:CSM, pp. 61 & 93);
Infantry (Character); Blight Grenades; Terminator Armour;
Manreaper; Bulky; Champion of Chaos; Fear; Fearless; Feel No Pain; Hatred (Space
Marines); Independent Character; Mark of Nurgle; Plague Zombies; Psyker (Mastery Level
2); The Destroyer Hive; Veterans of the Long War;
Warlord; Lord of Terror; Nurgle
HQ: Chaos Lord (1 , 150 pts)
Chaos Lord
1 5 4 4/6 5 4 5 4/5 10 3+ 150
(C:CSM, pp. 31 & 93);
Cavalry (Character); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour;
Mark of Khorne; Close Combat Weapon; Melta Bombs; Juggernaut of Khorne; Axe of Blind
Fury; Champion of Chaos; Counter-attack; Fearless; Independent Character; Rage; Rage
Axe of Blind Fury
1 Axe of Blind Fury (see C:CSM, pg. 69). [35]
Fast Attack: Chaos Spawn (5 , 150 pts)
Chaos Spawn
5 3 - 5 5 3 3 D6 10 - 150
(C:CSM, pgs. 41 & 100);
Beasts; Fear; Fearless; Mutated Beyond Reason; Rage; Random
Attacks; Very Bulky
Fast Attack: Chaos Spawn (4 , 144 pts)
Chaos Spawn
4 3 - 5 6 3 3 D6 10 - 144
(C:CSM, pgs. 41 & 100);
Beasts; Mark of Nurgle; Fear; Fearless; Mutated Beyond Reason;
Rage; Random Attacks; Very Bulky
Troops: Plague Zombies (15 , 70 pts)
Plague Zombies
14 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+ 70
(C:CSM, pp. 38 & 95);
Infantry; Improvised Armour; Close Combat Weapon (x14);
Fearless; Feel No Pain; Slow and Purposeful
Plague Zombie Champion
1 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 6+ [14]
(C:CSM, pp. 46 & 98);
Infantry (Character); Improvised Armour; Close Combat Weapon;
Champion of Chaos; Fearless; Feel No Pain; Slow and Purposeful
Troops: Plague Zombies (15 , 70 pts)
Plague Zombies
14 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+ 70
(C:CSM, pp. 38 & 95);
Infantry; Improvised Armour; Close Combat Weapon (x14);
Fearless; Feel No Pain; Slow and Purposeful
Plague Zombie Champion
1 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 6+ [14]
(C:CSM, pp. 46 & 98);
Infantry (Character); Improvised Armour; Close Combat Weapon;
Champion of Chaos; Fearless; Feel No Pain; Slow and Purposeful
Troops: Plague Zombies (15 , 70 pts)
Plague Zombies
14 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+ 70
(C:CSM, pp. 38 & 95);
Infantry; Improvised Armour; Close Combat Weapon (x14);
Fearless; Feel No Pain; Slow and Purposeful
Plague Zombie Champion
1 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 6+ [14]
(C:CSM, pp. 46 & 98);
Infantry (Character); Improvised Armour; Close Combat Weapon;
Champion of Chaos; Fearless; Feel No Pain; Slow and Purposeful
Heavy Support: Maulerfiend (1 , 125 pts)
1 Grp: WS: 3 BS: 3 St: 6/10 In: 3/1 At: 2/3 FA: 12 SA: 12 RA:
10 HP: 3
(C:CSM, pp. 51 & 103);
Vehicle (Walker); 2x Magmacutters; Daemonic Possession; 2x
Power Fists; Fear; Daemon; Daemonforge; Fleet; It Will Not Die; Move Through Cover;
Siege Crawler
Heavy Support: Maulerfiend (1 , 125 pts)
1 Grp: WS: 3 BS: 3 St: 6/10 In: 3/1 At: 2/3 FA: 12 SA: 12 RA:
10 HP: 3
(C:CSM, pp. 51 & 103);
Vehicle (Walker); 2x Magmacutters; Daemonic Possession; 2x
Power Fists; Fear; Daemon; Daemonforge; Fleet; It Will Not Die; Move Through Cover;
Siege Crawler
Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at!
Name # Grp WS BS S T Wo I A Ld Save Cost
HQ: Herald of Khorne (1 , 110 pts)
Herald of Khorne (HQ) [cd]
1 7 7 5 4/5 2/3 6 3/4 8 6+/5(i) 110
(C:CD, pp. 29 & 94);
Cavalry (Character); mW: Hellblade; DA: Daemon of Khorne; S:
Daemonic Instability; S: Deep Strike; S: Independent Character; S: Daemon; S: Furious
Charge; S: Hatred (Daemons of Slaanesh); S: Fear; DR: Lesser Rewards (x1); DS:
Juggernaut of Khorne
Troops: Daemonettes of Slaanesh (17 , 153 pts)
Daemonettes of Slaanesh (Troops)
5 4 3 3 1 5 2 7 -/5(i) 153
(C:CD, pp. 54 & 98);
Infantry; DA: Daemon of Slaanesh; S: Daemonic Instability; S: Deep
Strike; S: Daemon; S: Fleet; S: Hatred (Daemons of Khorne); S: Rending; S: Fear
Troops: Daemonettes of Slaanesh (10 , 90 pts)
Daemonettes of Slaanesh (Troops)
5 4 3 3 1 5 2 7 -/5(i) 90
(C:CD, pp. 54 & 98);
Infantry; DA: Daemon of Slaanesh; S: Daemonic Instability; S: Deep
Strike; S: Daemon; S: Fleet; S: Hatred (Daemons of Khorne); S: Rending; S: Fear
Fast Attack: Flesh Hounds of Khorne (12 , 192 pts)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne (Fast) [cd]
12 5 0 4 4 2 4 2 7 6+/5(i) 192
(C:CD, pp. 31 & 100);
Beasts; DG: Collar of Khorne; DA: Daemon of Khorne; S:
Daemonic Instability; S: Deep Strike; S: Scout; S: Daemon; S: Furious Charge; S: Hatred
(Daemons of Slaanesh); S: Fear; Fleet; Move Through Cover
Heavy Support: Soul Grinder (1 , 170 pts)
Soul Grinder (Heavy) [cd]
1 Grp: WS: 3 BS: 3 St: 6/10 In: 3 At: 4 FA: 13 SA: 13 RA: 11
HP: 4
(C:CD, pp. 60 & 102);
Vehicle (Walker); rW: Harvester Cannon; mW: Iron Claw; rW:
Phlegm Bombardment; S: Daemonic Resilience; S: Deep Strike; DA: Daemon of Tzeentch;
S: Daemon; S: Hatred (Daemons of Nurgle); S: Fear

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More comissions

2012 typhus
2013 Typhus Retouched and Repainted

What a difference 1 year of painting can make. I started painting two years ago, and after assimilating a ton of painting styles and doing comissions for people, i can say, progress achieved. In 2.5 years i have painted around 20,000 points in armies. a full Blood Angles Army, a CSM, a Space Marine, and a full Deamons Army. all i can say is put your creativity in motion and have fun. And remember everyone starts with this.....

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

khorne Lord with AOBF

Just finished up a model for DA BOYZ 2013 for Calvin Smarr. small conversion of making an axe with a nice OSL coming off the runes and onto the shoulder and helmet of the Lord. approx 10 hours of painting. this is somewhere between level 2 and 3. Generally my main painting style is more subdued colors and ar more realistic and not so bright. For this one, calvin wanted brighter colors on the model to match his army.
Nice scenic base...Mission accomplished.