Congrats to John for the random number {randbetween(1,11)} in excel and 8 coming up (looks odd if you do a straight count on followers as Ryan has 3 entrys (noob)) so John, Please get in contact with us and a select troops (full details will be in email response) sent your way. Thanks to all for following and for those who have joined. As you can tell Jones' really runs this blog now, as I tend to the slow construction of the hew website, and look into LLC licensing for further products WDC may bring. Keep the Dice Rolling
Chaos Chris
(on air alias)
The duck radio (check link out on home page)
Site was Originally desinged to showcase the enjoyment that Jacky and I have for the 28mm hobby. Has grown into a small business that now takes on commissions. Please don't hesistate to sign up and follow. Leave comments, and email us. Links are all on the right for contacting us. Enjoy
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
10,ooo fists in the air
We hit ten thousand views on our blog so as promised we will be doing a random drawing for those that follow us. The winner will receive a troop box of gw miniatures as a token of your support. Stay tuned for the winner.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Meta thoughts from Calvin
Calvin here with a look back at this past years GTs we've attended and the state of the meta during this timeframe.
Nearly one year ago at the Daboyz GT, with 6th Ed being newly released I saw a field of 90% mono build armies, people were still wrapping their heads around allies, with necron flyer spam just starting to hit the tables and hearing the heavy sighs as people drew 3 maxed units of flamer and screamer spam.
Nearly 4 months later at Indy, flyers were EVERYWHERE! Helldrakes, stormravens, vendettas and....night scythes. If you weren't usin em, you were in for an uphill battle.
Adepticon brought more of the same, but with the expectation that the upcoming tau would hopefully go some way towards mitigating these builds.
And then it happened. Our group went to Nova expecting to see alot of tau and we were not disappointed! Triptide lists were out in force, and for those not using mono tau they were an ally. Flyer spam didn't even show up in anticipation of this meta shift. Not to mention the large amount of MCs and FMCs that the bulk of shooting armies were not prepared or armed with enough high strength weapons to handle.
All this brings us to present day. Marines are out and while not a hard counter to tau they have all the tools to be on even footing with any army across the table from them and will bring I think a solid balance to things. So lets take a look at some of the things you'll need to keep in mind when building a competitive armylist moving forward.
Some people prefer to run the rock, 3 landraiders or multiple stormravens all kitted out with elite squads, you know the guy, he bought 4 riptides and doesn't care if your having fun while he blasts you off the board. The problem with these lists is they are succeptible to running into a hard counter. I'm talking to the general who prefers a balanced list, a TAC list. So here's some of the things I think about when I design my TAC.
Scoring: This entire edition revolves around the taking of an objective, playing a shooting army is perfectly viable, but if your showing up to the table without solid, dependable troops to push your enemy's objective you've
put yourself at a disadvantage before the first dice roll.
Tarpits: I always like to include at least one, and it needs to be stubborn, fearless or have ATSKNF
Shooting: the ability to gun down not only infantry, but threaten flyers and stack wounds on MCs or armor.
Threat: I take at least 2, in many cases you'll need 1 of these units to guard your own shooting element ideally with the support of the tarpit to lend a hand. This unit should be able to hold its own against other elite combat units and have mobility to put pressure on your opponent. If your able to send more forward it forces your opponent to put their shooting into these threats and hopefully leave your shooting to pick and choose their target.
In the coming weeks I'm going to spend more time going over each individual army and the competitive builds and units that are most efficient vs some of th
Nearly one year ago at the Daboyz GT, with 6th Ed being newly released I saw a field of 90% mono build armies, people were still wrapping their heads around allies, with necron flyer spam just starting to hit the tables and hearing the heavy sighs as people drew 3 maxed units of flamer and screamer spam.
Nearly 4 months later at Indy, flyers were EVERYWHERE! Helldrakes, stormravens, vendettas and....night scythes. If you weren't usin em, you were in for an uphill battle.
Adepticon brought more of the same, but with the expectation that the upcoming tau would hopefully go some way towards mitigating these builds.
And then it happened. Our group went to Nova expecting to see alot of tau and we were not disappointed! Triptide lists were out in force, and for those not using mono tau they were an ally. Flyer spam didn't even show up in anticipation of this meta shift. Not to mention the large amount of MCs and FMCs that the bulk of shooting armies were not prepared or armed with enough high strength weapons to handle.
All this brings us to present day. Marines are out and while not a hard counter to tau they have all the tools to be on even footing with any army across the table from them and will bring I think a solid balance to things. So lets take a look at some of the things you'll need to keep in mind when building a competitive armylist moving forward.
Some people prefer to run the rock, 3 landraiders or multiple stormravens all kitted out with elite squads, you know the guy, he bought 4 riptides and doesn't care if your having fun while he blasts you off the board. The problem with these lists is they are succeptible to running into a hard counter. I'm talking to the general who prefers a balanced list, a TAC list. So here's some of the things I think about when I design my TAC.
Scoring: This entire edition revolves around the taking of an objective, playing a shooting army is perfectly viable, but if your showing up to the table without solid, dependable troops to push your enemy's objective you've
put yourself at a disadvantage before the first dice roll.
Tarpits: I always like to include at least one, and it needs to be stubborn, fearless or have ATSKNF
Shooting: the ability to gun down not only infantry, but threaten flyers and stack wounds on MCs or armor.
Threat: I take at least 2, in many cases you'll need 1 of these units to guard your own shooting element ideally with the support of the tarpit to lend a hand. This unit should be able to hold its own against other elite combat units and have mobility to put pressure on your opponent. If your able to send more forward it forces your opponent to put their shooting into these threats and hopefully leave your shooting to pick and choose their target.
In the coming weeks I'm going to spend more time going over each individual army and the competitive builds and units that are most efficient vs some of th
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
New marines, my thoughts after 5 games
Well what can I say, I kinda links the power army boys as a nice change from my flying daemon crusher. To be honest I was burnt spending over 100 hours ramping up to nova to play 9 games (got in one extra), to sit back down and finish a few straggler units in my massive daemon collection.
One, I like chapter masters with relics surrounded by a cheap honor guard. The same to keep the burning blade big guy in articipher armor in good shape until he's ready to swing.
The fire power of grav amp'd centurions running with tigirius. They can easily imobolize two targets with grav amps. I usually bubble wrap them with a troops choice when they jump out of the landladies to keep them out of combat.
I like a storm raven gunship with an escort. Easy peezy, drops a lot of fire zooming in.
Tacs are tacs, scouts are scouts.
Finally, I like sternguard, LOD, and thunder fire cannons.
Well basic thoughts from me, feel free to post up your thoughts.
One, I like chapter masters with relics surrounded by a cheap honor guard. The same to keep the burning blade big guy in articipher armor in good shape until he's ready to swing.
The fire power of grav amp'd centurions running with tigirius. They can easily imobolize two targets with grav amps. I usually bubble wrap them with a troops choice when they jump out of the landladies to keep them out of combat.
I like a storm raven gunship with an escort. Easy peezy, drops a lot of fire zooming in.
Tacs are tacs, scouts are scouts.
Finally, I like sternguard, LOD, and thunder fire cannons.
Well basic thoughts from me, feel free to post up your thoughts.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Nova Open Rounds 4,5,6,7, & 8 - Josh
Nova Open Day 2 - Round 4
Ok, well it was a new day and 1 more game in the first round before getting separated into brackets. My opponent was a nice guy and it was a fun game to play, but I have to say the dice cost me this game. Normally I don't blame the dice, but keep reading...
Mission & Setup - Round 4 was a control mission. There were 4 objectives, 1 in the center of each table quarter, and a 5th objective in the center of the board. Due to a scoring/reporting issue with Torrent of Fire the day before I end up with the wrong opponent. My opponent is running a herald heavy deamon army, so I castle up in the right flank.
Turn 1 - I win the roll to go first, but in hindsight this mission I should have gone second, since we ended up with night fight. Not a game changer by any means, but still worth noting. Daemons pre-game scout to behind the LOS blocking hill. With 15 hounds he couldn't get them all back there out of LOS. Turn 1, the dreadknight moves up then I open fire. Even with nightfight I kill 6 pink horrors he had sitting in the center area terrain and 4 hounds that were poking out behind the hill. His turn the hounds move around the hill and charge the grey hunters jut behind the aegis. The spawn turbo boast to behind the hill the hounds just occupied. He couldn't get my rune priest since the grey hunters bubble wrapped him and he was part of the long fang squad behind them. His horrors and 2 Tzeench heralds unload 7d6 of flickering flames but only manage to kill 2 grey hunters. Little did I know this was the last time my dice would roll over a 3. The hounds kill 1 hunter and the Khorne herald on a juggernaught kills 3 more. I manage to kill 1 hound but pass my leadership test.
Turn 2 - With his screamers out of site behind the hill the Raven shows up and opens up on the invisible grimoired horrors in the center, Dropping 8 of them!. LEaving only the 2 heralds and a loan horror in the squad. The plan being next turn the purifiers jump out and start kicking tantric zone on the heralds. The dreadnight and 10 fresh grey hunters charge the 6 hounds and herald locked in combat with the remaining 6 grey hunters from turn 1. I start off by using dark excommunication with the dreadknight then issuing a challenge, the khorne herald realizing he is now a limp noodle, declines and I pick up a boat load of dice. Here the emporer foresakes me and 48 attacks generate 15 hits...ouch. Worse those 15 hits only cause 5 wounds and he saves 4!. The dreadknight manages to do 3 wounds. The hounds attack back and drop 4 grey hunters from the OG squad. We tied combat and I can do nothing but stand there wondering. His turn and the Hell Chicken zomes on, declares vector strike on the Raven. He rolls a 1, picks up 2 dice and rolls 6s to hit. Then rolls 2 6s to penetrate and 1 6 later BOOM! Raven and Purifiers are toast. The hell chicken then kills 5 long fangs with its torrent flamer. Worse yet, the ongoing hound combat I do 0 wounds he does 1 and the dreadknight fails his leasdership test. At least the grey hunters hold and only the dreadknight runs away.
Turn 3 - Snap shots at the helldrake removes a hull point. 1 Psyker squad rolls snake eyes to blow themselves up. The rest of my shooting his army saves. I start running a squad across the table to grab the far left objective. The dreadknight charges back into combat and I manage to do 3 wounds this time, but loose 2 grey hunters. Lucky for me I pass all my leadership checks, the not rolling over 3 at least comes in handy for that. His turn the horrors and oblits make for the center objective. He deep strikes plague bearers on his left and right objectives. Then the screamers charge in the combat in the center. The screamers kill 7 naked (didn't make a single save) marines and 1 unit of grey hunters break along with the dreadknight again. I do no wounds to him.
Round 5
Setup & Turn 1 - Again another 5 objective control mission. Although the center objective works like the relic for this one. I get to the table and my heart sinks as I see Space Wolves on the table. It seems my tournement bane is the relic mission against Space Wolves. I am now 0-3 for playing this mission in tourneys against space wolves. The Emporer forsakes me on these missions and they have all ended with my opponent getting the win at the end of the last turn with a single model. SPOILER: As you will see this game ends in a similar way...Typical setup for me, everyone in ruins, behind the aegis, or up in the hill. He setups his death star, 4 thunder wolf calvary with storms sheilds, 1 with power fist, & lord on mount with sheild and fist. A 5 man grey hunter takes his top objective and a 5 man grey hunter squad takes his bottom objective. He has 5 fangs with plasma cannons in his ruins, scouts and 6 more grey hunters in reserve. He goes first and moves the Death star into the middle terrain. His vindicator tank is too far out to get a shot off. I move the dreadknight up and a grey hunter pack. My whole army shoots, but thanks to nightfight I do a single wound to the wolf calvery. To keep them out of my lines I declare a charge with the dreadknight and grey hunters into the wolf calvary. Unfortunately the grey hunters fail there 7" charge and the dreadknight gets his face smashed in by the lord.
Turns 2 & 3. With the dreadknight down, his death star goes south and hits my psyker squad rather than go for the grey hunters. He also drops a pod in front of my lines. While I totally don't blame the dice on this one, I will say this is the game the dice where offically retired from active service. Turn 2 the Death Star (DS) wipes out the psykers and the other squad rolls a 12 for there test and blow themselves up. His drop pod grey hunters killed 4 of mine. I shoot back and do nothing. I charge in against his drop pod troops, loose 2 guys to snap fire then we both wiff in combat. I charge the grey hunters in and the battle with the DS goes worse than expected. I loose 5 guys to rend, he saves all his wounds and wipes the squad with his fists. Turn 3 his pod marines kill my 3 remaining guys and jump over the aegis, the vindy, plasma cannon fangs, and scouts shoot at my fangs in the hill but only manage to kill 1. The DS charge and wipe my south long fang squad. The Raven shows up, purifers jump out and together wipe out the DS and leave the lord with a single remaining wound. I charge his pod marines with another unit of grey hunters and we each kill 2 guys.
Turn 4 & 5 - His vindy scatters on top of my purifiers and kills 3, his lord charges into the center combat. This swings the balance in his favor, he looses 5, I loose 7 and the last man holds out. My last unit of fangs take the demolisher cannon off the vindy and the remainder of my army (the rune priest and 2 purifiers) charge his lord and last 2 grey hunters. Coteaz takes his 2 guardsman and stand on the south objective. The Raven shoots at the grey hunters running off with the relic, but fail to kill a guy when they go to ground in area terrain and he makes all his saves. The Rune priest backs out of the challenge and thankfully his lord can then only kill the last grey hunter. His grey hunters miss and the purifier with the hammer steps up and drops his lord. His 2 grey hunters break off and the Rune priest and Purifier with the hammer move up to follow them. The Raven splits fire and kills 4 grey hunters on the lower objective, they run off the objective. The Raven also manages to kill 2 grey hutners around the relic, but cant shack them off the objective. The purifer charges into his last 2 grey hunters but neither of us score a wound in combat. The game ends his 1 objective plus the relic to my 1 objective. Foiled again in Relic...
Round 6
Round 6 was interesting since it was the last round of day 2. I ended up with a "ringer" meaning my opponent quit the tourney and i get an autowin, but can play a game for fun, so I get paried with an IG player from a lower bracket. Unfortunately it was late in the day, and with 2 looses under my belt I didn't bring the camera out. The game went really well for me though and I should have. I ended up winning 3 objectives to 0, 3 table quarters to 0, and 9 kill points to 2. It was a good game, only 1 noteworthy thing happened. At the bottom of turn 5, he positions his last Lemon Russ, with a single hull point remaining, and declares a tank shock against the dreadknight. Having already won the game, the dreadknight (1 wound remaining) flexes his muscles and responds with a death or glory attempt. I think to myself "hell I only need a 3 to wreck this thing". First leadership test passed, 2nd leadership test passed. Now I just need a 3+... BAM rolled a 2 and the dreadknight is crsuhed under tank treads! I look up at my opponent and say "we just forged a narrative". The look on his face was priceless.
Round 7
Final day game 1 - Ooops forgot the camera... I need to get better at that. I get paired up against a tau player. Good news was that he only had 2 riptides, and 2 skyrays. He took Farsight and a supper shooty body guard. The missions was control of 3 objectives and table quarters. I castle up in the right corner and he castles up opposite of me. He then scouts his blob of kroot out into the center terrian. Even with Coteaz the Tau go first and his whole army focus fired on 1 squad of long fangs, wiping them, and 1 grey hunter unit which suffers 3 casualties and falls back. Lucky for me they don't hit the table edge and rally. I target the left most riptide and some warriors, doing a wound to the riptide and killing a few warriors. Turn 2 the Raven shows up and thanks to the tall ruins in the center, he gets no intercepter shots. The raven unloads and drops 6 warriors and 8 or so kroot. The purifiers bail out and unload killing a couple more warriors. He responds by dropping the Raven with the Skyray missiles, and shooting his whole army to kill the purifiers. The grey hunter squad that fell back moves through cover and runs for a total of 5 inches (they do this all game). This is basically how the game goes for the next 2 turns. This grey hunter unit trugges through terrian and we trade dink shots at each other. Turn 4 Farsight shows up and changes things a bit, he just brings more guns to the party. At the bottom of 4 we are tied, 2 objectives to 2 and 2 table quarters to 2. So I notice he might have messed up his movement and go in for the kill since 15 minutes is called and we can only finish this turn. The grey hunters that ran turn 1 have now had 4 turns to move and run and have made it 24 inches (total) and can now threaten the remaining kroot holding the center objective. I kill some warriors in a squad nearby so they wont get to overwatch me too and I charge into the kroot. I was right and Farsight and his unit are too far away to overwatch so the last 4 marines make it in, kill 3 kroot, they break and I lawn mower them for the center objective. Coteaz puts his big boy pants on and charges the Riptide dropping him and cleaning out the table quarter. Time is up and I win 3 objectives to 1 and 2 quarters to 1. This game is a good example of playing the mission not the opponent. I got shot to pieces but pulled out a solid win.
Round 8
Setup, turn 1 & 2- Final game on the final day, I was roaring and ready to go when the necron player walked up. The final control objective/table quarter mission, lots of terrain and he didn't have much in the way of infantry. I win prioirity and elect to go first. I spread out a bit, since the center was LOS blocking terrain, psykers on the left with long fangs in the middle and on the right. He puts is bikes on the left wth 5 warriors on the objective , the bardge in the middle, stalker and 10 warriors on the right objective and 10 immortals. With night fighting I only manage to kill the 5 warriors on the right with the psykers otherwise no other wounds from shooting, and the dreadknight moves toward the right flank. Turn 2 On the right the grey hunters move out to shoot the bikes, and both psyker units target them. I drop 4 which don't get back up. The Raven moves on the right flank and opens fire on the immortals killing 5 after reserection protocals. With all the gauss weapons around the purifers bail out and drop 2 warriors on the objective. The 2 bikes on the left shot but can't wound, then fail there charge only to die to snap fire. The left flank grey hunters spend the next 3 turns moving up to claim his objective. The psykers miss the barge, the fangs dink the stalker and a few more immortals. His lord and other immortal sqaud show up and reinforce the right flank. The purifiers are gunned down by both immortal squads and the warriors.
Turn 3
The psykers glance the barge and the fangs drop the stalker. The Raven and 2 fang squad take out the 2 group of immortals forcing that lord to join with the first squad to servive. The dreadkight stumbles forward. Now in the open he takes 2 wounds from the fliers and barge. I start suffling my army right at this point with the bikes gone and everything else blocked by the center terrain.
Narrative forged, Turn 4 & 5
So at the top of turn 4 Calvin walks up to see how it is going. He asks my opponent if I "have done it yet" and we both look at him with puzzled looks. Calvin proceeds to tell the guy that I have a magic way of rolling dice and that I should be carefully watched. Chuckling I pick up 17 dice (to shoot the Raven at the immortals) and roll 12 6s. No joke. My opponent looks at me, I look at Calvin and he smiles and walks away. This is when my opponent gives up and it is all over but the final moves. Turn 4 sees 1 lord and 3 immortals die after protocols. The warrior squad on the objective is reduced to 4 warriors. The barge explodes thanks to the psykers, and both fliers loose a hull point. Turn 5 - I shoot up a few things then charge the dreadknight into the lord and last immortals. The dreadknight takes a wound charging in, fails mind shackle scarabs wounds himself twice but save then passes his leadership so he isn't imprissioned in the cube. Amazing he lived, but lesson learned, shoot necrons, don't charge single handed. The dice roll a 1 and it is over, 3 objectives to 1, 3 table quarters to 1.
Well there you have it. Sorry about the delay in getting them up and the lack of pictures, but will do better next time. If you like the battle reports and want to see more of them, just let us know.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
How about something new ?
Here is my scheme for the LOD/Iron hands I'm working on. Built 3 centurions yesterday and they took a while. Pretty involved kit. I also put some realistic flames on them. The pics don't do justice. Balancing the white with black was a little tough and required priming in different colors and precise painting. Hope you enjoy.
Nova Open rounds 1,2, & 3 - Josh
Even though Nova started at 10:30, I was apparently not awake enough to remember to take pictures of the first game. I walked up to the table and the guy was in a superman shirt and you know what, I would believe him if he said his name was Clark Kent. Dude was huge, but super nice guy and a fun game to play. The mission was striaght up kill points so I castled up on the right flank since me had an assualt army, his Tau setup in the oppisite corner as me. He brought Blood Angels with Tau allies. Mephiston ran around the flank while Dante, 2 units of Sanguinary guard and a Vangaurd veteran squad went in reserve to deep strick into my lines. Thankfully Dante decided to sit out turn 2 and the 2nd unit of Sanguinary guard scattered way off away from me. The Vanguard vets landed perfectly in my lines ready to assualt a psyker squad. My shooting was pointless with night fight, and the Vangaurd heroically interviened 1 psyker squad. At first I was diappointed for leaving the gap, but then I realized he only took out 92 points with his 10 man vangaurd squad and now I could turn all my guns on them. Which I did, and thanks to the storm raven cleaned out all the angels that deep struck last turn. Turn 3 Dante and his guard show up, only to have my entire army shoot at them killing them to a man. Mephiston hits my lines, and it takes 3 rounds of assualt before the purifiers can bail the grey hunters out and kill Mephiston. I mostly ignored the riptide until the dreadknight was in charge range. Unfortunately I fell short of the charge in the final turn, and the game was called due to time before the epic robot slug fest could happen. I held on to all but 2 of my kill points, and taking 6 of his. Excellent game, and he had a beautiful army, next time I remember to turn the camera on.
Game 2. Mission - control objectives and table quarters. R.Anderson from Dakka Dakka (I will have to update later with his dakka dakka handle). Sets up a beautiful Chaos Marine/Necorn army. He even wrote the background of these Chaos Androids, pulling out some old GW references. Another awesome game, and this time with pictures.
UPDATE: My opponent was Ragnar Arneson Dakka Dakka handle: Mannahnin
Deployment + 1 - I spreadout across my table edge and he piles in behind the LOS blocking hill. Turn 1 we both move out a bit, I drop a few cultist, but night fight prevents most damage. I hold 2 objectives to his 1 at this point.
Game 3 - Nothing good to say about that, so here is some picts from a different army.
Trolling the web for a list to play with out thinking, settling on screamer spam - 6 hours
Pananicing the week before the tourney becuase you didn't win the ebay auctions then driving to the toy store to pickup bags of marine animals - $14.99
1 can orange, 1 can pearl white spray paint - $12.98
Game 2. Mission - control objectives and table quarters. R.Anderson from Dakka Dakka (I will have to update later with his dakka dakka handle). Sets up a beautiful Chaos Marine/Necorn army. He even wrote the background of these Chaos Androids, pulling out some old GW references. Another awesome game, and this time with pictures.
UPDATE: My opponent was Ragnar Arneson Dakka Dakka handle: Mannahnin
Deployment + 1 - I spreadout across my table edge and he piles in behind the LOS blocking hill. Turn 1 we both move out a bit, I drop a few cultist, but night fight prevents most damage. I hold 2 objectives to his 1 at this point.
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Initial Setup, you can't see my Rune priest and grey hunter squad, they are in the lower left out of the Frame. Little did I know I big of a part they would play in the game. |
Turn 2-3 - His spawn and bike mounted lord roll out on the left flank (upper edge in the photo) to threaten my psykers, the Raven arrives to shoot up the spawn, dropping 2 but they just laugh it off. The first Doomscythe shoots and misses the Raven and the helldrake has nothing to shoot at. Even the Oblits miss the Raven. I only manage to kill a few cultist the missles. In turn 3 I jump the purifers out to stop the spawn, but there charge and the dreadknights charge fall short due to terrain. Turn 3 the other Doomscythe shows up and drops my Raven with 1 shot and the oblits take out the dread knight. The spawn and bike lord charge the psykers and epic combat ensues. Still 2 OBjectives and table quarters to 1 at the end of round 3.
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This photo is from Turn 2, the turn 3 photo was way too blurry, plus I had more stuff in this round :-) |
Turn 4-6 In the ruins there was an epic 5 round combat between the psykers, coteaz, the chaos spawn and bike mounted lord. Turn 4 Doomsythe drops the necrons mid feild to start contesting my objectives. They blast 6 grey hunters and 2 purifiers. The grey hunters shoot back and only kill a single necron thanks to amazing resurection protocals. The purifers charge in to help out the psykers and Coteaz. Unfortunately my other unit of psykers rolls a 12 and they explode (not the best timing) leaving me 3 guardsmen who are pinned. The spawn wipe out the psykers, the purifers kill 3 of the 4 spawn, then the lord kills the justicar in a challenge. Turn 5 I drop random cultists, and a few necrons in the center. He kills a few long fangs with oblits but not much else from shooting. Turn 5 the spawn kills the last 2 purifiers ( i only took 2 wounds, but rolled snake eyes for saves). Coteaz then makes 8 saves and wounds the Bike mounted lord. I had no warp charges left, so I couldn't instant death him. Turn 6 I dink a few more cultists and take a hull point from the doomsythe, I drop other other one with the quad gun. The helldrake vector strikes the Rune priest and his unit holding my right objective. He kills 3, I roll 11 for leadership then 10 for fall back and BAM run off the table! I just lost and objective and slay the warlord! Ouch. Coteaz manages to make 10+ saves, kill the warlord in my assualt phase, the last spawn in his phase, then die to guase fire at the bottom of turn 6. The necrons charge into the grey hunters holding my last objective, kill 4 and consolidate enough to contest my other objective. That give him 2 objectives to my 0.

Photo is from the start of Turn 5 when I still had a shot at this game.
Game 3 - Nothing good to say about that, so here is some picts from a different army.
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Having an army at Nova noone has any idea what you are playing - Priceless
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Nova Open - Quick pics
Unfortunately I didn't think to take pictures Friday morning when most of the armies were on parade. The Ork Biker army did catch my eye though.
And who wouldn't want to see a few more pics of the team display.
Here is a top view of my army all lit up. Chris finished up the wiring on the Dreadknight and I added a light from inside the drop pod. Yes, that is a Lucious pattern drop pod. I am pondering adding a smashed up dreadnaught to it. That reminds me, I still haven't posted the final shots on what Grey Knights were painted. That will be up next along with some battle reports from Nova.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
10,000 fists in the air competition
Well a little over a year ago we started this blog and we are 800 views shy of 10,000 views. I would like to run a prize drawing from WDC and GITGP for those brave enough to follow us. Anyone following us as we hit 10,000 views will be entered in a drawing for some swag and or models. All you need to do to be entered in the random drawing is sign up and follow us.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Nova Open GT
Well I will upload picutres later as a first off to this blog. While this is my first GT ever attending I can say after hearing the boasts of other GT's the team has gone to (Indy/Adepticon) this one did not meet up to what I was expecting. I did like registration open a day early for the GT, but the down fall was the "flow" of getting into a line, no signs posted, and always bumping into another line for a different section got many confused. Thew swag bags were GREAT on the upside of things, as Jones' posted earlier. Alot of what was in there I was about to purchase from the merchandise table!. I did not participate in the GT as my girlfriend and I were on a vacation that started in VA, then ended up in central ohio.
We were on vacation only to present the simple fact to close friends that we are expecting another son! We are 22 weeks along with Tristan Michael, and I can't wait to have another little one to play with. (Have to start him off early with some miniatures in his crib).
At the Tournament, the Vendor support was fantastic (those that showed up did a great job) The toledo game room has as always a TON of bits, OOP mini's and tons of stuff for sale, Secret Weapon Miniatures (added bases to swag bag), Grex airbrush - looking more into this perhaps once my semister of school is over with, the War Store ( whom added various bits to the swag bag), and Powered Play. We here at WDC have been watching this company since it's fledgling start on kickstarter. Booth had plenty to look at and take into view, and after spending about 20-25 minutes speaking with them came to understand some small flaws in my own wiring, and we shared some ideas briefly and some key takaways from the conversation. The 13 colour of lights they offer is very nice, and will help us out in some areas that may deem a "special" colour is needed.
All and all the team did about average contension wise (they will have to comment on their individual bases as we left before final scores/judging/awards were done.) but my take on the Tournament, I may go to play, perhaps have a booth next year, and support the cause. More to follow up in reviews, once better organized.
We were on vacation only to present the simple fact to close friends that we are expecting another son! We are 22 weeks along with Tristan Michael, and I can't wait to have another little one to play with. (Have to start him off early with some miniatures in his crib).
At the Tournament, the Vendor support was fantastic (those that showed up did a great job) The toledo game room has as always a TON of bits, OOP mini's and tons of stuff for sale, Secret Weapon Miniatures (added bases to swag bag), Grex airbrush - looking more into this perhaps once my semister of school is over with, the War Store ( whom added various bits to the swag bag), and Powered Play. We here at WDC have been watching this company since it's fledgling start on kickstarter. Booth had plenty to look at and take into view, and after spending about 20-25 minutes speaking with them came to understand some small flaws in my own wiring, and we shared some ideas briefly and some key takaways from the conversation. The 13 colour of lights they offer is very nice, and will help us out in some areas that may deem a "special" colour is needed.
All and all the team did about average contension wise (they will have to comment on their individual bases as we left before final scores/judging/awards were done.) but my take on the Tournament, I may go to play, perhaps have a booth next year, and support the cause. More to follow up in reviews, once better organized.
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