Site was Originally desinged to showcase the enjoyment that Jacky and I have for the 28mm hobby. Has grown into a small business that now takes on commissions. Please don't hesistate to sign up and follow. Leave comments, and email us. Links are all on the right for contacting us. Enjoy
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
NOVA update, pics soon to follow
Spent a good 30-45 minutes or so laying out Calvin’s NOVA board Sunday night. It’s a stand alone board that unites with the other two boards for a trio’s team board. Although it wont be fully finished and full of awesomeness till Adepticon, but it will be presentable at nova. Our other trio player (Ryan) will also utilize this board as well.
I will be getting with Josh Wednesday to go over his Grey night board that will attach to the other side of the “church of the poison mind (My Daemon board).
When combined it should tell a pretty good story, but stand alone in individual displays. The 3 2x2 sections are all custom and scratch built. I didn’t realize how much an undertaking this was until I started. None the less, as soon as they are finished I will be posting up pics. Until then stay tuned.
Nurgle? from a Tzeentch champion????
My Portion of NOVA GT
and I hope you guys have a blast
Stay tuned for more Nova updates, and even coverage photos and video from 8/29-8/30 (i will not be taking photos all weekend but the team will be there thru sunday)
Friday, July 26, 2013
1850 Angel trial
SO last night Jonsey and I played a 1850 test game. I have not played angels (blood angels succsessor) in months as I played daemons in the league play. Was very fast game (7 turns in 1 hour and 40 minutes!!!!) The game was actually over at 5, but wanted to end melee between typhus and corbulo! (Which we called after turn 14 as a draw).
The Epic Duo!!!!
Now several things, I have 6 people looking on (one was a libby and was casting prescience) most of the time. Jonsey Hates Corbulo so it was why we continued to fight on. He actually won the game by primary (typhus was contesting my primary for emperors mission) and he also had table quarters. The only objective I had was i shot down Kharn and his 9 body guard beserkers, all from one raven entering the field. Came on and did not give the beserkers any cover save, and he did not roll well on his armour saves.
Jonsey -- CSM Khone/Nurgle. 2 radiers, 2 units of zombies, 1 Unit of beserkers to escort Kharn and one unit of his customized plague marines escorting typhus. He chose Kharn as warlord and the new quad las battery.
Myself -- I brought a termie Libby taking prescience and psychic shriek, Corbulo, assault unit with no packs, sergeant that had lightning claw, SS and Melta bombs in a crusader, another libby in power armour with the same spells, same outfitted assault unit with a lascannon raider, a predator with autocannon, 2 ravens, and a ten man tac squad w/ Multi-Melta.
We hit turn 3 in like 20 minutes!!! very little shooting and with slow raiders no one was entering combat until Turn 3. So game went fast. Was fun and I learned alot on how meta slowly changes and rolls.
Still will have to finish our gladitorial combat one day!!!!
The Epic Duo!!!!
Now several things, I have 6 people looking on (one was a libby and was casting prescience) most of the time. Jonsey Hates Corbulo so it was why we continued to fight on. He actually won the game by primary (typhus was contesting my primary for emperors mission) and he also had table quarters. The only objective I had was i shot down Kharn and his 9 body guard beserkers, all from one raven entering the field. Came on and did not give the beserkers any cover save, and he did not roll well on his armour saves.
Jonsey -- CSM Khone/Nurgle. 2 radiers, 2 units of zombies, 1 Unit of beserkers to escort Kharn and one unit of his customized plague marines escorting typhus. He chose Kharn as warlord and the new quad las battery.
Myself -- I brought a termie Libby taking prescience and psychic shriek, Corbulo, assault unit with no packs, sergeant that had lightning claw, SS and Melta bombs in a crusader, another libby in power armour with the same spells, same outfitted assault unit with a lascannon raider, a predator with autocannon, 2 ravens, and a ten man tac squad w/ Multi-Melta.
We hit turn 3 in like 20 minutes!!! very little shooting and with slow raiders no one was entering combat until Turn 3. So game went fast. Was fun and I learned alot on how meta slowly changes and rolls.
Still will have to finish our gladitorial combat one day!!!!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Grey KNight update
I missed last weeks update, I was distracted by another hobby for a few days, and it put me a little behind. I did get a few things done since then, though. Coteaz has been pinned back together and had some additional detailing done. Mainly the skin highlights are done along with the face. I also added some detail to the bird and another layer to the cloak. The wet blending has been working out well on the cloak, giving me the transition I was looking for. I also dry brushed about 75% of the Storm Raven. I got a bit distracted looking at the interiors of other Ravens on the interwebs and decided to redo mine. So it was re-primed back and silver. Next up I got the first round of psykers done with their final highlights. They just need basing, but that part of the project starts next month. I started the second group of 5. They are already pretty far along. Basically ready for the final stage of higlighting. Since I am painting them in small groups, I kept the color pallet limited. This should let the smaller groups blend together when they are mobbed up on the field. I will know for sure in a couple of days when the second unit is finished.
The Nova Trios list is still up in the air. I am waver between Grey Knights or Space Wolves. I would love to rock Grey Knights, but wouldn't be able to paint up the other 1k needed for the solo game. Wolves would be the easiest, since everything is painted, but I have been licking the way Grey Knights have done so far in my practice games.

The Nova Trios list is still up in the air. I am waver between Grey Knights or Space Wolves. I would love to rock Grey Knights, but wouldn't be able to paint up the other 1k needed for the solo game. Wolves would be the easiest, since everything is painted, but I have been licking the way Grey Knights have done so far in my practice games.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Jones' Meta Thoughts and list...
I really enjoy the meta and how fast it changes. Me and my
core group can talk hours upon end how each codex creates a significant shift
(except for dark angels, sorry the helldrake ruined your powerful codex). As I
thought it would, the Eldar has brought the rebirth of mech lists. 5-6 or even
7 serpents are going to be common on the board. This will force a lot of player
to abandon their 6th edition foot lists are king lists. Plasma will
go away as it was an answer to foot lists. Melta will once again come out to
deal with these pesky eldar. What will the space marine codex in September
bring. I think it brings more mech with special rhino rules making them once
again viable. Hold onto your rhinos as a sneaky price increase will follow.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Game 11 Vs John and his wolves
Hats off to John for sportsmanship!!!
Great Game that ended at the bottome of turn four when John had just an empty rhino left, staring at 2 Lords of Change, and a full unit of screamers with a herald!
Daemons took this one, though John hung in there as long as he could, trying to at least kill my warlord. Which he threw alot at him!. I had 3 lords of change for hq's and two heralds on the table (one nurgle and one tzeentch). That seemed to much for Logan and Arjac. My warlord LoC had the Bolt of change which exploded the Landraider bus that had arjac and logan in with some marines. they proceeded to charge me and issue a challenge and my warlord easily took. qounding arjac with my wall of death (corrosive breath reward) and then dealing 3 wounds at str 8 ap2 to him in melee. Saved one took 2 more. then the following assault phase accepted logan's challenge and decimated him. My Warlord took 0 wounds as for those two phases he was at a 2++ with re-rolling ones. (forewarning and grimoired) the rest of the wolves took on the other two LoC's and my blob of Plague bearers!. seemed to much for 2 runepriests and long fangs to take on. Even my sacrificial unit of 6 flamers deepstriking in the backfield recieved 50% casualties before a LoC made it into combat
Daemons 21
Wolves 0
John as always great game, your sportsmanship is hard to find!
Until Russ is ready to fight again!!!!
Great Game that ended at the bottome of turn four when John had just an empty rhino left, staring at 2 Lords of Change, and a full unit of screamers with a herald!
Daemons took this one, though John hung in there as long as he could, trying to at least kill my warlord. Which he threw alot at him!. I had 3 lords of change for hq's and two heralds on the table (one nurgle and one tzeentch). That seemed to much for Logan and Arjac. My warlord LoC had the Bolt of change which exploded the Landraider bus that had arjac and logan in with some marines. they proceeded to charge me and issue a challenge and my warlord easily took. qounding arjac with my wall of death (corrosive breath reward) and then dealing 3 wounds at str 8 ap2 to him in melee. Saved one took 2 more. then the following assault phase accepted logan's challenge and decimated him. My Warlord took 0 wounds as for those two phases he was at a 2++ with re-rolling ones. (forewarning and grimoired) the rest of the wolves took on the other two LoC's and my blob of Plague bearers!. seemed to much for 2 runepriests and long fangs to take on. Even my sacrificial unit of 6 flamers deepstriking in the backfield recieved 50% casualties before a LoC made it into combat
Daemons 21
Wolves 0
John as always great game, your sportsmanship is hard to find!
Until Russ is ready to fight again!!!!
The road to Nova
Calvin here with a look at the some of the missions and preparations will be making for the upcoming nova open.
Sent from my iPhone
Nova's missions place a heavy emphasis on objective grabbing with almost no worry about first blood, but the kicker is the objectives are all placed centrally in each quarter, creating quite a spread out area to cover! The other heavily utilized secondary is table quarters, which again forces an army to be capable of spreading out to achieve victory. This immediately took my very slow moving but resilient foot ork/guard out of consideration, but made my very fast aggressive daemon/chaos army perfect for the job! Daemons were very good to me in 5th Ed, with a strong showing at Daboyz GTand going 3-0 at our FLGS, it's an army I'm very comfortable with. Ill be running:
Tzeentch prince w/wings, armor, mastery 3, exalted, greater
Slaneesh herald w/mastery 2, exalted gift
2x khorne herald w/juggernaut, lesser gift
13 daemonettes
13 daemonettes
7 screamers
6 screamers
11 khorne dogs
Aegis defense line
Chaos sorcerer w/mastery 3
15 cultists
10 cultists
4 chaos spawn w/nurgle mark
Its a very fast hard hitting army that keeps the focus off the troops while the rest of the army clears the board. I'm not sold yet on the flying prince as the only flyer but he gives me a strong tool to push forward and drop portal and put shots into the rear of flyers (which I largely ignore in this build)
All temble before the paintjobs of Jones!
The screamers have paid off in spades so far this edition as they are able to deepstrike in and sweep attack/kill those small vulnerable backfield troop units people always use.
Zombie cultist (does not like sweep attacks)
It's a telepathy heavy build that's much more viable with the long overdue death of runes of warding.
Mission strategy will be focused on the holding of 3 objectives with the contesting of 4th if possible. All nova games use identical terrain sit-ups, which is amazing if you've ever found yourself running a assault based on army on one of those "scenic" lava boards facing guard you'll know what I mean.
"Ugh you can go first while I start packing back up"
So, knowing that in every game ill have use of some ruins to start my sorcerer with cultists that they can either hide behind walls or spread out through the different levels should I face those pesky helldrakes gives me a solid unit to hold one quarter, with the bulk of my assault force overwhelming the quarter straight across from them and 2nd cultist unit in reserve to grab 3rd objective, I still have 2 units of daemonettes that Ill often deepstrike into the board while I see how the game progresses, as well as the princes portal.
It's a strategy I've mainly been able to stick to in my games thus far, look for some batreps in the future as nova practice continues this weekend when I take on arc anious and his SW/GK list
Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Project Grey Knight aka Nova prep
Well at a little over 7 weeks away, its time to get the brush in gear. Real quick some notes about the army. I have been running a Space Wolf / Grey Knight build since just after the Indy Open earlier this summer. Indy highlighted that the Space Wolves were lacking mobility, sitting back and shooting I could blast everyone away, but I seemed to spend the game with my troops scrambling for objectives. The Grey Knights add the mobility and bring some heavy shooting along. My troops still have to march to objectives, but now they don't have the added duty of pushing enemy held objectives. The Grey Knights zoom in crush whatever they run into, clearing objectives and them some. The Storm Raven is by far the best gun ship out there, especially with psybolt ammo. Thankfully all of the wolves are painted they just need based (much later down the road). For the Grey Knights I need to paint up:
16 Psykers
6 Guardsman
5 Purifiers
Storm Raven
With my snail like speed, I am behind schedule and still have to get in some primer games and display board work. At this point Coteaz is about 80% done. I had to take a break from painting him to repair his thunder hammer. 6 of the Psykers are sitting at the 50% stage, and the rest are 3 colored (10% complete). The Purifers are 98%, they just need their purity seals done. The Raven has been base coated thanks to Mr. Jones and his airbrush. His minutes took hours off of my paint time. With the Dreadknight not started that leaves the guardsmen which, surprise, are actually complete (well minus the bases of course).
16 Psykers
6 Guardsman
5 Purifiers
Storm Raven
With my snail like speed, I am behind schedule and still have to get in some primer games and display board work. At this point Coteaz is about 80% done. I had to take a break from painting him to repair his thunder hammer. 6 of the Psykers are sitting at the 50% stage, and the rest are 3 colored (10% complete). The Purifers are 98%, they just need their purity seals done. The Raven has been base coated thanks to Mr. Jones and his airbrush. His minutes took hours off of my paint time. With the Dreadknight not started that leaves the guardsmen which, surprise, are actually complete (well minus the bases of course).
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Monday, July 1, 2013
Paint week 2013 NOVA PREP
7,000 points of painted deamons, alot since January dont you think? |
Well everything is ready to begin working feverishly with the ladies out of the house for a week. Here are a few pictures of the Paint cave and a deamon i been woking on slowly. I should have a massive amount of updates by next week.
The big boys base. Yes that is a 40.00 land raider i squashed to make it legit. His brother will be along soon. |
My thoughts for the next custom prince |
League Game 6 - IG vs Daemons
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