Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Welcome a new Hobbiest

Ok all. So you may wonder why in the heck is a Night Goblin on this posting? Well the reason why is that recently a great friend of 7 years stopped over for a weekend while "in the area" on his way back home. Now in the area I mean North of the Mason-Dixon Line, as his home is in Louisiana!!!. Let's introduce Paul B. into Gaming while he is here. Now paul and I meet online while Playing W.orld O.f W.arcraft (when it was actualy fun to play) and just stayed friends this whole time (most likely because we could somehow tolerate each others attitudes/personalities) either way it has been a great friendship. Through the years he has often asked question of Warhammer (40k) and I just breifly would talk about it. Well why he was here I got to get him to Ctrl-Alt-Elite (the local store we game at) and let him see first hand what it is we do with all our "free" money. He was quite taken with how the Fantasy mini's looked and didn't know what the gaming community was like back home. I gave him some ideas/background, and he thought at least he would like to paint the miniatures. So after his 18 hour drive home monday (no over night stay here folks, straight drive home) he calls me today to ask a few questions, and then lets me know he bought a fantasy paint box set of night goblins!
This is his first ever miniature ever painted. I think he has done a remarkable job on this model for being his first and not having many paint colours to choose from. If nothing Else we have brought another person into the "Hobbiest" section of the game if not a full blown gamer!!! I am looking forward to seeing more updates from Paul as his skill develops! Please take a moment and welcome Paul into the Painting community. Thank you all

Sunday, October 21, 2012

3rd Annual Steel City Tournament report.

Legions games hosted Snake Eyes Gaming's 3rd annual Steel City Tournament yesterday. First, let me say Legions Games is a great store. It's in the basement on an old night club at the end of a shopping center, so it automatically has cool points. You walk in the door and are immediately faced with the decent, Stairs to the left, a ramp to the right.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fleshtearers Librarians are coming

So the Fleshtearers Librarians are back on the field searching for ancient artifacts to CURE or reduce the affect of the Black Rage that has plague all Blood Angels Chapters. His robes are done the same way all my fleshtearers red will be done (follows the Terminator post a few weeks ago) Just changed up the wash pattern a bit, and presto' Dark red for Fleshtearers. Will be nice to get this guy on the field. My half completed scouts made it out two weeks ago and looked nice. No matter how well a model is painted, it does not help on the field other than to draw attention to it. Weird how an all grey army (sprew grey or just primed) mixes in so well and you forget where those pesky IC's are hiding. LOL

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Deamon Prince WIP

So i started making a nurgle flying deamon prince. It has been a challenge but i think its coming along nicely.
Ill keep updating as i proceed.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Flesh Tearers Scouts on the Front

Ok all, Here is the latest 2 hours of work (this is one of 5 models I have painted in 2 hours. All that is left at this point is his shoulder pad Icon (Flesh tearers) and the base. I went with the basic BA Scout pattern, Darkened it up a bit for "Active Duty" and of coarse the standard change to Flesh Tearers army, the Black shoulder pads. Scouts were very quick and easy (all 5 are this pose) so was rather fast. I hope to have the baseing done this week.