Thursday, June 28, 2012

uh oh

changed my mind and tore down big red last night. After the conversion on my tall dread i wanted to make another. I got carried away with the conversion and this will be my contemptor dread complete with a scratch built 6 shot assualt cannon. Although shes not done, i thought i would share, complete with extra heighth, bulky shoulders, extra cables and a hood. the brass dread will double as my furioso and my librarian with quick change magnet mods. Not finished, but i was too excited to wait.
Okay all... I know our league is coming to a close for this qtr ? or half? don't know which yet. LOL but with the last two games in site for most of us. We are all greedily awaiting our hands on 6th edition rules. This will most likely bring about a few army changes in our Fall league. Much to anything I will not be playing my BA (Flesh Tearers) army this fall. I will stick with the Tau just to add diversification to the league. Winning never very much mattered to me (with playing Tau) I am just glad to bring a different army to make everyone else not get "locked" into playing power armour armies every week. So with that being said Be on the lookout for some updates to my new Paint scheme, and to my new units being played (doubt I will sink the money into FW stuff) I will be playing straight from the codex. Though if I do order form FW it would be an XV9 LOL
Best wishes on the games ahead.

For the Greater Good...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Contemptor Dread Conversion

legs were cur down and had about 1.75inches added to each to make the dread stand taller and look less bulky than a normal GW dread.

Graveyard 50%

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A big update is coming. With the 6th edition looming for a saturday arrival in my hands, my excitment level is growing. I have a alot of stuff on the workbench. Forge world assualt troops are being build, FW preists are ready to join Brother Corbulo and the Sisters of battle are all laid out getting their rock bluff basing done. Over the next month i should have the 4,000+ points of my Death Weavers complete, and about half of the SOB complete and ready for the fall league. Not to mention i been cranking out my scenery for my table in my downtime. I started looking at it and im cranking out about 30 hours a week painting and converting.

4-5 hours a night, 6 days a week.

On another note, the imfamous art scale terminators should be in this week. they will be bit bashed with the chaos standard troops and the chaos terminators sitting on my work desk.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Birthday to He-man, i mean Free-man

to one of my best friends, happy birthday, you looked awesome this day! Hazaa

Been working for sometime to get my casting perfected. Some other molds i didnt spend enough time on and ruined some of the detail from bleeding and the molds being too thin. Also, the Exorcists are put together and will be next after, my forgeworl marine squads hit the paint bench.

a conversion and a new sang gaurd

Been working on getting a second scoring unit of 2+ save sanguinary guard. I was looking for an effect of oxidized copper. Still isnt exactly waht im looking for but it turned out well. You can see asteroth in the other corner and how he's going through mutilple changes.

Here is some terrain That jacky has been working on when he is not "glued" to his Blood Angels Successor Chapter. Hot Knife for the win!!! I so need to pic one of these up. Than Again I need a fully painted army first.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

my terminaors going through ther 3 conversion. The Death Weavers, formally a blood angel squad has been tainted and are going mostly black with bits of chaos and fantasy bits.

Tank you very much

bhall predator conversion. with a custom painted razorback about 75% finished

Dante conversion

Spent a little time doing some conversion work. Dante with home made basing.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pro-Painted?!?!?! for $50.00???

Normally I don't point out flaws!!!
But I had to on this one. I am not anywhere near a pro painter, but this itself is going to make me find (in my heaps of marines) a librarian and paint it up. I am sorry for this person to place this on a (auction site) and ask for 50.00 for a single metal model that has (alsmot) no shading affect to it what so ever, and the fact that with the blending and even basic INK washing of a model the out come would eclipse this one. Basic Green base. the Bright Orange on the lightning bolt??? also note the plain white eyes on this model and if he is a psyker he has nothing to show for it other than the blue armour. He looks blind and not full of "power" I do like how ever the back pad modification. Is nice, however would be better with a banner on it.
My libby once found wil be posted up on here also.
Recent Activity. Devestator Squad for the BA Army.

Monday, June 18, 2012

In the Beginning

Just placing the first post up here. Going to learn how to use the site and set it up as user friendly as possible for all those who may come and venture this way for 25 mm miniature gaming forums/products/conversion ideas.