Saturday, December 15, 2012

More and more Chaos Badness

I am most excited about my WIP Landraider, as it will be so unique, the only thing others can do is copy it. This was from a random thought in my head, there was no pictures of anything else like ther that anyone has done. When its complete post Christmas, i hop you like it. There are a few teaser picturs of some WIP on it. Also included is a new bridge i build, a 4 armed nurgle deamon prince and my new Typus model my wife gave me as an early Christmas present.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

So we've been busy

Chris and I have so many differnt projects going its a mad house, custom basing, led effects and working on new armies. So many things going at once, seldom does something go from kit to complete. This took me about 4-5 hours of paining and wiring. Still need to finish the hillighting on the base, but here is the WIP heldrake #3 with $8.00 of LED effects.

"The Biledrake"

Monday, December 3, 2012

I Lied, its just too tasty not to show off

What is Santa bringing Jonsey for Xmas?

A Nurgle Army.
I am about 50% finished with 4,000 points of Nurgle goodness for the Winter/Spring

Here is a taste of what PAPA NURGLE has instore for you
80% complete sorcerer in terminator armor with the Deamon Axe (nice!)

You can see a few random cultists in the background

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Building a Better Hobby Area Update I

A while ago I posted that I will be creating a hobby space in my basement. This will be a modelling and gaming space. Well, the walls have gone up. I have a couple of terrible old dinner tables that are serving to store my models and gear right now. There is alot of dust from sanding the joining compound, and still a ton of cobwebs to clean up. Every surface needs fresh paint. Then I need to build my workbench and game table. There is still alot of work to do, but this cold weather project is progressing.

Some images of the space


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Welcome a new Hobbiest

Ok all. So you may wonder why in the heck is a Night Goblin on this posting? Well the reason why is that recently a great friend of 7 years stopped over for a weekend while "in the area" on his way back home. Now in the area I mean North of the Mason-Dixon Line, as his home is in Louisiana!!!. Let's introduce Paul B. into Gaming while he is here. Now paul and I meet online while Playing W.orld O.f W.arcraft (when it was actualy fun to play) and just stayed friends this whole time (most likely because we could somehow tolerate each others attitudes/personalities) either way it has been a great friendship. Through the years he has often asked question of Warhammer (40k) and I just breifly would talk about it. Well why he was here I got to get him to Ctrl-Alt-Elite (the local store we game at) and let him see first hand what it is we do with all our "free" money. He was quite taken with how the Fantasy mini's looked and didn't know what the gaming community was like back home. I gave him some ideas/background, and he thought at least he would like to paint the miniatures. So after his 18 hour drive home monday (no over night stay here folks, straight drive home) he calls me today to ask a few questions, and then lets me know he bought a fantasy paint box set of night goblins!
This is his first ever miniature ever painted. I think he has done a remarkable job on this model for being his first and not having many paint colours to choose from. If nothing Else we have brought another person into the "Hobbiest" section of the game if not a full blown gamer!!! I am looking forward to seeing more updates from Paul as his skill develops! Please take a moment and welcome Paul into the Painting community. Thank you all

Sunday, October 21, 2012

3rd Annual Steel City Tournament report.

Legions games hosted Snake Eyes Gaming's 3rd annual Steel City Tournament yesterday. First, let me say Legions Games is a great store. It's in the basement on an old night club at the end of a shopping center, so it automatically has cool points. You walk in the door and are immediately faced with the decent, Stairs to the left, a ramp to the right.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fleshtearers Librarians are coming

So the Fleshtearers Librarians are back on the field searching for ancient artifacts to CURE or reduce the affect of the Black Rage that has plague all Blood Angels Chapters. His robes are done the same way all my fleshtearers red will be done (follows the Terminator post a few weeks ago) Just changed up the wash pattern a bit, and presto' Dark red for Fleshtearers. Will be nice to get this guy on the field. My half completed scouts made it out two weeks ago and looked nice. No matter how well a model is painted, it does not help on the field other than to draw attention to it. Weird how an all grey army (sprew grey or just primed) mixes in so well and you forget where those pesky IC's are hiding. LOL

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Deamon Prince WIP

So i started making a nurgle flying deamon prince. It has been a challenge but i think its coming along nicely.
Ill keep updating as i proceed.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Flesh Tearers Scouts on the Front

Ok all, Here is the latest 2 hours of work (this is one of 5 models I have painted in 2 hours. All that is left at this point is his shoulder pad Icon (Flesh tearers) and the base. I went with the basic BA Scout pattern, Darkened it up a bit for "Active Duty" and of coarse the standard change to Flesh Tearers army, the Black shoulder pads. Scouts were very quick and easy (all 5 are this pose) so was rather fast. I hope to have the baseing done this week.


Friday, September 28, 2012

sometime pics are better than words.

But ill add a few words. the following pictures represent the last two weeks of cranking out hi quality killing machines.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Get in the Game Painting Presents: Blood Angel Terminators Part 2

Okay so here is the finished squad. My 1st fully painted unit in 15 years of playing. Sad. So Sad. But this was all done following my Part 1 quick tutorial. So it isnt that hard to get a decent table top look with quick results. Yes there are some areas I need to fix, Hindsight being that you see it once it is done. But all and All a good unit for the table.

Building a better hobby space

So, about a year ago I bought my first home. Also around this time I started working as a staff accountant at Lorain County Community College. Between moving, renovating, settling into a new job, and continuing my education, building and painting my 40K army got pushed to the side. The few times during the last year that I have been able to spend time on the hobby, I've done my work on the dining room table. Taking things out and cleaning up was killing about an hour of my time. Also, having models and paints strewn across the dining room table was starting to get on my woman's nerves. To her credit, Lexi has never complained and always been supportive of the hobby, but I could tell it bothered her.

August 15th marked one year in the house and exactly one model finished in that time, a single rhino APC. I needed to make a change. The house is small and all of the ground floor is being utilized currently. I do however, have a large walk out basement that until now has been a catchall storage area and a place to do laundry. Most of the space is unused. This will be my hobby cave! Right now it's dirty, full of cobwebs, and smells, well, like a basement. There will be quite a bit of work to do cleaning, building walls, painting, and so on. My goal is to have a comfortable space that is dedicated to a hobby bench, a small display area, and a full size game table. Over the next few months I'll be posting pictures with a blurb about how things are coming along. I'm really excited about having someplace in the house that I can go to, listen to music, and just work on my armies. I think Lexi is excited to have all the 40K stuff out of her hair too! I'll get a pic up of the current state of the spot soon.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Get in the Game Painting Presents: Blood Angel Terminators

Ok all here is my latest work. I have worked 2 hour 15 minutes each night (while I listen to the movie TRON Legacy). The base is a "swamp" base. I have 6 colours and 2 inks on the base itself. Still need to add static grass to whole squad. Model primed in "Matte" Black from Pat Catan's. Still to me is "satiny" and next coat does not apply very well, and the next colour being red, very hard to control properly (so as you will see in the next photos had to do some interesting cover-ups)


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So what has Jonsey been up to?

Im really confused, as you may know, i have about 4k points in blood angels(90% fully painted), 5 k points in primed tyranids(primed only 0% painted) i shelfed after i put them together, and about 4k in sisters(about 3% painted 100% primed and based) that i picked up new in the box from an estate sale.

The 6th edition has made me even more undecisive, in what playstyle i like best and the allies has allowed me to sample and see more different types of armies on the field.

So whats happened? I really like the boost the eldar have given my blood angels. the eldar (40% painted 100% primed) are so unique and small errors in decisions end up going really bad. But my gosh i love the look of the models. I know have about 3k points in eldar. WTF right?

So then i think where do i go? To me it is equally fun to paint the model as it is to play. So i will continue to collect pieces of different armies with the ally rule to try them out, before i settle on a main army to follow.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dark Angels Have arrived?!?! 0_o

 Ok so with the new DA vs Chaos starter box comming.
My Girlfriend has decided to join me in the painting
Modelling aspect of the game. I picked up a little
paintset that came with 7 paints and 5 dark angels
(35.00) set not to bad. and Without any of my help
She went to work. Told her which colors were which
(as the guide was written prior to new paints)
And about 3 hours later she brought me this!!!
Now yes it does have some touch up work (some paint bleed)
but for her first model (even assembly) is great!!!
So I will have a surprise for her (Hopefully soon)
As I will be Hoping to order her the limited edition starter!
She says she enjoys painting (might not play) but she likes painting. So I Just wanted to give you all a look at the hobby being passed to others. (even if she doesn't bring the fear of the emporer through Dark Angel hands), at least she paints!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

additonal models converted last week

Well, another week of vacation and time spent to bulk my army up for 6th edition league. With the Deathweavers and mutiple conversions, i have decided on Eldar for any allying i may use for the league. For off weeks i plan to use a full eldar list or a Full Sister or Sister/deathweaver list.

Without further adieu
Also picked up the GW game board and began painging it.

Some of the work this week

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Well played, GW

GW's inclusion of Allies has been on my mind way too much lately.  Since my main armies don't play well together, I somehow came to the conclusion that I needed another army that could ally with both.  Also - whatever I bought would have to be painted  yellow.  No idea why.

Enter the Eldar.  I bought a starter army from a guy on Dakka Dakka, but I know myself too well - I am sure I will be expanding this with more stuff in the future.  Good job GW.  Way to convince me I have a need to buy even more plastic army dudes...not to mention objective markers and special dice.

This is the beginning paint scheme:
Krylon Fusion White to Prime
Watered down layers of Yriel Yellow (GW) to Cover
Thinned down Gory Red (Game Color) and Devlan Mud (old GW) as a wash
Dry brushed yellow and white.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mephiston 3 hours from boxed to 90% complete

How long should speed painting take? How long should an above avg tabletop painting take?
Why not combine the two. In a race to go to bed at 10pm last night, i took Mephiston out of the package. I really like pewter models, they just feel more, well like pewter.
I spent about 5 minutes gobbing some Black gesso on it and went to subway. Black gesso or gesso of any color is my favorite for small painting qualities or when i cant use army painter or GW spray for a base coat. just throw it on, dont be afraid to go it on and cover of the fine details because as it dries it tightens up like a jimmy hat.
I got home and started work on the color scheme. I had what i wanted to do in mind. Tip one. Lay out the colors in order from the largest use to the hillights. It helps speed the process. First Scab Red on the robes. Then started with a GW kindleflame dry to pop the high areas out on the robes. Then i took some crimsonburg shade to the low areas. Them some Bobab Black to the more recesses areas. Then whatelse, Mephiston Red to start pulling out the robe. I spent about 20-30 minutes on the robe.
then i started on the gold. Most of (90%) of this model was done with a 0004 Wargaming brush. I dipped the brush continually in my fresh water pot as to keep the paint as then as possible. The gold i used was Vellajio Gold. Their metallic just cant be beat. From their i did a quick flame job on the plasma gun with GW paints followed by a nice dark gw green hillight around the edges.

For the power cords i been working with some color chaging nail poilsh and airbrush paints. I still need to do some hillighting on the sword.

The back of the robe and the bottom was a quick design i sketched on paper. Finnaly i placed a little taint of a chaos backpack because it looked fitting. With applying paint with such a samll brush and a fan going not stop to speed up painting time (cut it off if you wet blend) i worked on a small cobble stone etched with the blood angel symbol.

i still have to do popping hillights but i hop you like it.

start to finish about 3 hours.

Sisters, where are the sisters?

So I spent some of my vacation working on getting my color schemes down for my sisters, basing and starting some of the 60+ nuns with guns (regular bolter sisters). I hope you enjoy. i really do like the secret weapons leaves for basing, they look like actual leaves, not oregeno.