Monday, December 9, 2013

2013 tourney Season and a reflction to my beginnings

Recap tournament season 2013
SO i wanted to do a recap and a small analysis on the 2013 tournament season. Until this year I never been really interested in tournaments. Now, remember my first game i ever played of WH40k was in March of 2011 at Chris Freeman's house with coffee cans as terrain. I remember seeing all the miniatures and thinking that it was extremely nerdy. After the first dice roll i was hooked. During that game I was given 5 terminators and a scout squad and we played a 3 way battle with Bob Casselberry. It wasn't 4 weeks later I had made my first GW purchase. Bought about 1000.00 of Blood angels and the codex. I started a frantic pace of assembling and painting. Some of my early attempts of painting can be seen should you scroll through the very first days of this blog. I played Blood Angels all summer long until the release of 6th edition. The people I played with were friendly but, still they are tough competitors, so my skills grew quickly from the ass whoopings. My painting was far above my play and in the paint lab i began working on my skills every night. I became a painting machine spending 4-5 hours a night 4-5 days a week. My blood angels began atking a very dark and broodish look when i began repainting them, many asked why I didnt just play chaos. When the chaos book hit I swapped over and began a CSM army. Briefly followed by my favorite army, chaos deamons. In 2013 I began competing in tournaments, which is the sole purpose of this post.
So for the record
Indy GT - 3-3
Adepticon - visitor only
Origins GT - 3-0 BEST GENERAL (combo of painting and battle points)
Nova GT - 3-3 Top 10 in painting out of 256
Da Boyz GT - 4-2
Steel City - 1-2 BEST PAINTED
So 14 W and 10L
58% win ratio
Armies I lost to, -
INDY --- IG, CSM, Dark Eldar (playing CSM main no allies)
ORIGINS - zero losses (played Daemons main no allies)
Nova - Tau, Tau-dar. and Tau (Daemons no allies)
Da Boyz - Eldar and Taudar (CSM main Daemon allies)
Steel city - IG and Tau (CSM main and Daemon allies)
50% of my losses came via some sort of Tau or combo of Tau
30% to Taudar
20% - IG and assorted
All in all I learned a lot about the tournament scene and a lot of list building. I think for the first time in a long time the release schedule doesn't allow for you to play the exact same army all year long. Numerous changes and revamps will occur due to the release schedule which force you to constantly re-tool your army for the meta shifts. So if nothing else anyone competing this year got a lot of experience in the list building phase of the game. Well that's my reflection of 2013. For 2014, I will be focusing on tooling up my Nids for Adepticon. If I dont get all the painting and conversions done, I will be playing my go to army, which is some sort of Daemon and CSM.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Swarmlord Test Paint and 3rd spawn repaint with glowing effect

Well, i have been plaing around with transparent florescents to work on glowing effects and its turned out pretty dandy. also got my test done for the nid army. they will all have HOK automotive paint chitin armor. Just picked up 380 doallrs of the stuff. Until the Christmas break, we wont see more. However good luck to the 16 going to wreck face at the Steel city open in pittsburg

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Games 4-6 DaBoys GT 2013 Calvin Smarr

So, in continuing a trend of difficult games, my 4th game of the day was THIS years adepticon winner and current ETC member Nick Nanavanti. Nick is known for being one if the best daemon players around, but this GT decided to roll a very interesting GK force comprised of 30 strike in rhinos, 2 incinerator dreads, GM nd coteaz on crusader leading a tooled out henchman DC squad. And our mission was the relic....

Game 4

Primary: Relic
Secondary: This late in the day we decided to go balls in and made relic for all the marbles.

I chose to let Nick go first, he advanced 6" forward wisely not disembarking to grab relic and leaving himself vulnerable to assault, in my turn I moved a Battlewagon 12" forward to block relic. Nicks dreadknights charged both battlewagons putting me of foot for a charge in my turn. Overall it was a very bloody game where Ghaz took one dreadknight and part of the DC squad out where the bulk of the strike were killed by the khorne lord and meganobz that had broken off Ghaz unit. In the end I held the relic (just barely) to eek out a win. Nick was an excellent player and had taken liberal advantage of the bar and I told him I look forward to a rematch at adepticon.

Score- 31/33 pts

Game 5

Primary: KP
Secondary: big guns 4 objectives

Game 5 had me paired with Kurt Clauss in you guessed it, hammer and Anvil again vs his tau/eldar build. After 1st turn saw my predator and both battlewagons blown out from under me I settled in for a long brutal ass whoopin lol. Kurt is currently #1 ranked on torrent of fire, and it is well deserved as just in my previous loss to Brad, Kurt played very tightly despite his strong lead and never gave me anything to get back in the game. Despite the loss Kurt was a really nice guy and was one of my favorite opponents at Daboyz.


Game 6

Primary: emperors will

The final matchup paired me with Rich. Rich was using, Orks and Chaos! Rich also had two battlewagons but then used a nob biker squad and a helldrake/flying mace prince combo with a maulerfiend. A fast hard hitting army like that is something I can appreciate :) Rich knew my lobbas were very dangerous to his scoring cultists so went after them very aggressively with his mace prince right off the bat flying over and psychic shrieking them right off the board, after much discussing after our game we determined this may have been the only (very tiny!) mistake he made all game, as when flying perhaps 5-6" closer than nessesary to shriek the 2nd lobba squad allowed ghazghkull, along with a lucky shot to get the prince outta the air, a chance to get his str 10 claw on him! With the predator accounting for the maulerfiend early and my grots hiding from the helldrake, my outflanking koptas were once again my MVP as they moved to contest Richs objective and Ghaz unit holding the relic. Had it gone to turn 6 it would have been a very different outcome as Richs nob squad was poised to take my warboss off the objective easily. 


There's some very big developments coming up in the next few days between escalation and super heavies being added to normal 40k games, this and the new digital formations GW is releasing has me holding out on writing about what I think the meta will be looking like until I have an opportunity to digest all this info!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What happends when trying to register for ADEPTICON 2014

As you may or may not know about 2000 people began a quest to secure 254 tickets for the GT at adepticon..with the numerous time outs and carts crashing it caused a lot of panic in our group that resulted in mass texting. Here is a small sampl of PG stuff that occurred. the more colorful stuff was deleted, how ever it was 30-45 minutes of hell.

From: calvinsmarr@
Subject: Re: Adepticon registration in 1 hr
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 20:22:42 -0500
To: kenboone

Nice, push josh push!

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:22 PM, Ken Boone <kenboone222> wrote:

all set, badge, champs, seminars too

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Josh Shivak <jshivak> wrote:
trying to check out and it keeps going boom

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Josh Freeman <arcanuis> wrote:
Damn finally I am in

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:16 PM, "Calvin Smarr" <calvinsmarr> wrote:

Hahaha, very nice, me ken jacky josh and josh, my brother got off his ass and got a ticket as well, enough people to get another room and 2nd car

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:14 PM, Josh Shivak <jshivak> wrote:

ya, but its slowed my check out by a minute!

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Richard Jones <richard_jacky_jones> wrote:
Undecided works 

Sent from my iPhone
Jacky Jones
Human Resources and Co-founder of Warp Dust Creations

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:13 PM, "Josh Shivak" <jshivak> wrote:

oh thats bull shit you have to select and ally

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Calvin Smarr <calvinsmarr> wrote:
Lol quit havin sex while typing

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:11 PM, Richard Jones < wrote:

I'm in

Sent from my iPhone
Jacky Jones
Human Resources and Co-founder of Warp Dust Creations

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:10 PM, "Calvin Smarr" <calvinsmarr> wrote:

Got it!

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:09 PM, Richard Jones <richard_jacky_jones> wrote:

Going to PayPal now I'll get classes later
Sent from my iPhone
Jacky Jones
Human Resources and Co-founder of Warp Dust Creations

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:08 PM, "Ken Boone" <kenboone222> wrote:

got a badge

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:06 PM, Calvin Smarr <calvinsmarr> wrote:
Lol ass

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:06 PM, Arden Bartlett <abartlett1> wrote:

Messing with the internet...making sure you all can't go. :-P

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Richard Jones <richard_jacky_jones> wrote:
Waiting for cart to load

Sent from my iPhone
Jacky Jones
Human Resources and Co-founder of Warp Dust Creations

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:05 PM, "Josh Shivak" <jshivak@ > wrote:

waiting for my badge to get in my cart

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Richard Jones <richard_jacky_jones> wrote:
Going to cart

Sent from my iPhone
Jacky Jones
Human Resources and Co-founder of Warp Dust Creations

get in the cart!

Sent from my iPhone

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Richard Jones <richard_jacky_jones> wrote:
No go yet 3 computers   and Co-founder of Warp Dust Creations                                                               

On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:02 PM, "Josh Shivak" <jshivak@ > wrote:

The site, it seems dead!

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Arden Bartlett <abartlett1@ > wrote:
He he...get a better connection.


On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:01 PM, Josh Freeman <arcanuis@ > wrote:
OMG it's the wow queue boss again!!! I clicked events and my PC froze   Sent from my iPhone

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Ken Boone <kenboone> wrote:
Wow, just logged into Adepticon site to get ready for registration.  They still have my information from 2010 and 2009.  I know you don't care but I'm